Our academic staff are active researchers in student learning and higher education. We provide a consultancy service for University teachers to discuss any aspect of teaching and learning. For example, assessing group work, developing a marking schedule, providing feedback, developing strategies to promote academic integrity.
- Request a student workshop. If you would like to request a student workshop for your department please contact SLD Reception hedc.studentlearning@otago.ac.nz
- PASS To find out more about running PASS for your paper contact SLD Reception hedc.studentlearning@otago.ac.nz
- Peer Learning & Support Programmes To find out more about running Peer Learning & Support Programmes in your department contact SLD Reception hedc.studentlearning@otago.ac.nz
- Contact us Contact any of the HEDC Student Learning Development team to see how we can assist.
- Academic Development for Staff For more information on staff development