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Sarah SteinPhD (QUT), MEd (Research) (QUT), GradDipEdAdmin (USQ), BA (UQ), BEdSt (UQ), DipT (ACU)

Director (Distance Learning)

Tel +64 3 479 5809

About Sarah

Sarah's background is in education; she has had experience as a school teacher, curriculum advisor and academic staff developer. She has tutored and lectured in science education and technology education within undergraduate and postgraduate teacher education courses. Her current research focus is teaching, learning, curriculum and evaluation in higher education settings.

Sarah is the Director of Distance Learning for the University. Her office is in Room G.02 at 31 Montgomery Avenue.


Sarah supervises research in a variety of areas related to teaching, learning and curriculum.

Current students

  • Paul Kane (PhD)
  • Mike Tweed (PhD)

Previous PhD and Masters students:

  • Belinda Lawrence (PhD thesis title: Individual, Institutional and Environmental Factors Influencing Online Distance Tertiary Teaching in New Zealand)
  • Swee Kin Loke (PhD thesis title: Explaining how students can learn the dispositional components of physical world actions by performing virtual world action)
  • Sam Asare (PhD thesis title: Exploring undergraduate students' perceptions of factors influencing their engagement and alienation in higher education)
  • Kwong Nui Sim (PhD thesis title: An investigation into the way PhD students utilise ICT to support their doctoral research process)
  • Paul Kane (Master of Health Science (Clinical Education): The impact of the VERT virtual reality system on teaching and learning associated with radiation therapy planning skills in the second year of the Bachelor of Radiation Therapy)
  • Kelby Smith-Han (PhD thesis title: An investigation of undergraduate medical students' discourses of General Practice)
  • Jenny McDonald (PhD thesis title: An empirically-based tutorial dialogue system: Design, implementation and evaluation in a health sciences domain)
  • KwongNui Sim (Master of Arts (Higher Education) thesis title: The Importance of Personal Computers in Higher Education)
  • Ahmad Sabry Othman (PhD thesis title: Teaching Maths in a Second Language)
  • Maree Steel (Master Of Health Science thesis title: Portfolios: Multiple Spaces for Learning)
  • Mitchell Parkes (University of New England, Australia) (PhD thesis title: The Competencies Required for Effective Performance in a University E-Learning Environment)
  • Carina Bossu (University of New England, Australia) (PhD thesis title: Higher Distance Education in Brazil: Policies, Practices and Staff Development)
  • Frances Quinn (University of New England, Australia) (PhD thesis title: Learning Approaches and Outcomes in a First Year Biology Topic: A Relational Study involving Distance and On-Campus Students)
  • Rupert Collister (University of New England, Australia) (PhD Thesis title: A Journey of Wholeness and Meaning: Investigating a Harmonious Ontology which could Facilitate the Conditoins for Holistic, Transformative Epistemologies within the Structures of a Community with a View to Creating and Sustainable Future for all Beings)
  • Mary Panko (University of New England, Australia) (PhD Thesis title: The Impact of Teaching Beliefs on the Practice of E-Moderators)


Sim, K. N., Stein, S., & Rose, M. (2024). Spaces, pedagogies, and technologies: Are they interconnected? [Pecha Kucha]. In T. Cochrane, V. Narayan, E. Bone, C. Deneen, M. Saligari, K. Tregloan & R. Vanderburg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference: Navigating the terrain: Emerging frontiers in learning spaces, pedagogies, and technologies. (pp. 105-106). doi: 10.14742/apubs.2024.1161 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Sim, K. N., Stein, S., & Rose, M. (2024). What makes this online course tick? Community of Inquiry and 23 Things International [Pecha Kucha]. In T. Cochrane, V. Narayan, E. Bone, C. Deneen, M. Saligari, K. Tregloan & R. Vanderburg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Conference: Navigating the terrain: Emerging frontiers in learning spaces, pedagogies, and technologies. (pp. 107-108). doi: 10.14742/apubs.2024.1162 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Kane, P., Gladman, T., Stein, S., & Timmermans, J. (2024). Radiation therapy students' perspectives on what it means to be a radiation therapist. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) Conference. 184. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Kane, P., Stein, S., & Timmermans, J. (2024). Exploring competence in a health professional education programme. Proceedings of the Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Annual Conference. 166. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Stein, S., Sim, K. N., & Rose, M. (2023). Person, context and judgement: Exploring the potential of a theoretical model describing the role of information and communication technology in the doctoral research process. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 39(4), 16-32. doi: 10.14742/ajet.8838 Journal - Research Article

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