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BSc(Hons) (Newcastle), PGCE (Strathclyde), MPhil (Newcastle), PhD (Glasgow)

Phone: +64 3 479 8136
Google Scholar link

About Tony

Photo of Tony Harland for profileTony studies the purposes of a university education. Recent projects have looked at the ways in which higher education is valued, how teaching values form an important part of a student's education, what critical theory has to offer our thinking about university work and its relationship to society, and how students learn through doing research. Tony teaches qualitative research methods and other topics such as learning theory, leadership and peer review.


HEDU503 - Research in Higher Education
HEDU510 - Advanced Topics in Higher Education
HEDU590 - Research Dissertation
ECOL212 - Ecological Applications
ECOL313 - Ecology Field Course

Teaching at Tautuku
Teaching at Tautuku


Prospective PhD Students:

I am happy to consider proposals from suitable candidates from any discipline to work in the fields of policy and practice in higher education.

For scholarship information see the University of Otago website

Apply for Postgraduate study with Higher Education Development

Uplift at Kaikoura

Current Students

  • Maree Steel - PhD: The teaching experiences of medical interns in a period of transition

Past Students

  • Krishneel Reddy (2020) Using student peer review to enhance student's learning experience in higher education
  • Rachel Tan (2019) The impact of globalisation on an emerging research university in a developing country
  • Raewyn Lesa (2019) Simulated learning environments and the development of clinical judgment in undergraduate nursing students
  • Farhana Abu Bakar (2018) The use of humour in teaching and learning in higher education
  • Wee Chun Tan (2018) The oral examination
  • Sharon Sharmini (2015) Examining a thesis by publication
  • Joanna Joseph (2014) Critical Pedagogy in English language teaching
  • Rob Wass (2012) Critical thinking in higher education
  • Jessie Jansen (2011) Enhancing research capability in a clinical setting
  • Althea Blakey (2011) Critical thinking in clinical teaching
  • Maree Steel (2009) Portfolios in clinical education: multiple spaces for learning
  • Sherry Lilley (2007) Experiences of mentoring in primary health care settings

Image of Tony's 1st book for profileImage of Tony's 2nd book for profileImage of Tony's 3rd book for profileImage of Tony's 4th book for his profile


Mori, Y., Wald, N., & Harland, T. (2024). A model of academic developers’ formation and growth of professional identity: A focus on the affective factors. Higher Education Research & Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2024.2424158 Journal - Research Article

Mori, Y., Wald, N., & Harland, T. (2024). The importance of workplace factors and the professional identity of academic developers. Higher Education Research & Development, 2332254. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2024.2332254 Journal - Research Article

Caballero, K., Harland, T., Wald, N., & Mula-Falcón, J. (2024). The impact of evaluation and accountability on academic careers. European Journal of Higher Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/21568235.2024.2331116 Journal - Research Article

Wald, N., Harland, T., & Daskon, C. (2024). The gap statement and justification in higher education research: an analysis of published articles. European Journal of Higher Education, 14(2), 308-323. doi: 10.1080/21568235.2023.2189132 Journal - Research Article

Wald, N., Harland, T., & Daskon, C. (2024). Why we should rethink the method section in higher-education qualitative research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 47(1), 93-98. doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2023.2165642 Journal - Research Article

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