Our staff are always happy to lend assistance, expertise, or give talks, to community groups, organisations, libraries, schools, teachers, and those in the heritage industry.
Feel free to contact individual staff, or Professor Mark Seymour for further information and advice.
Information for schools
School visits
If you teach at a high school or college and want to bring your class to campus for a school visit, we can accommodate you. We can also make arrangements to visit you.
For more information on school visits, or to make arrangements to visit, contact:
Professor Mark Seymour
Email mark.seymour@otago.ac.nz
Tertiary open day
Students can speak with our staff by attending the University's Tertiary open day.
Our staff will be available to discuss options with you at our scheduled drop-in session, which is held in our seminar room on the second floor of the Arts Building at 95 Albany Street.
We are keen to keep in contact with our Alumni. We like to know how you have fared, hear about your successes, and keep you up-to-date with our news via our annual Newsletter.
Please register your details with the Alumni office