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Professor Jessica Palmer (Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Te Manukura)

Main duties: Executive and academic leadership of the Division of Humanities.

Tel +64 3 479 8672

Dr Melanie Beres (Associate Dean Academic)

Main duties: Admission to undergraduate study programmes; advice to academic staff and undergraduate students about undergraduate programmes.

Tel +64 3 479 8736

Professor Wayne Stephenson (Associate Dean Graduate Studies)

Main duties: Admission to postgraduate study programmes; advice to academic staff and postgraduate students about postgraduate programmes.

Tel +64 3 479 8776

Dr Hunter Hatfield (Associate Dean International)

The Associate Dean International provides support and advice to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Heads of Department and academic staff on international academic developments, with the aim of developing and growing international connections and collaborations by ensuring the Division is using its international networks and relationships well.

Tel +64 3 479 9087

Professor Michelle Thompson-Fawcett (Associate Dean Māori | Manupiki Māori)

Tēnei te Manupiki Māori ka mihi.
Tēnei hoki ka whai kia whanake te whaitake me te aronga ki ngā uaratanga iwi, kaupapa Māori

This role has three major platforms:

  • Advancing the values and aspirations of Māori within the Division of Humanities,
  • Developing the value of their knowledge, pedagogies and epistemologies within the core business of the Division, and
  • Assisting Humanities departments implement the Māori Strategic Framework.

Tel +64 3 479 8762

Dr Michelle Schaaf (Associate Dean Pacific)

The Associate Dean Pacific provides academic leadership in Pacific development in the Division of Humanities, and works with Heads of Department, departmental Pacific Islands Support staff and staff who provide leadership in Pacific research.

The key aims of the role are to:

  • provide advice on implementation of Pacific Strategic Framework goals
  • to support the development of our Pacific staff
  • and to foster awareness of postgraduate and staff research that extends and deepens Pacific knowledge.

Tel +64 3 479 8805

Professor Hugh Campbell (Associate Dean Research)

Responsible for offering strategic advice and support on the enhancement of research culture and productivity in the Division of Humanities.

Support includes:

  • Offering strategic advice, with the assistance of the Divisional Research Committee, on the enhancement of research culture and productivity to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Humanities
  • Supporting research activities of academic staff in the Division with the assistance of the Research Advisor Humanities
  • At the University level, representing the Division in various processes of research-related decision making.

Tel +64 3 479 8749

Kath McGilbert (Senior Manager)

Kath's role involves leading and managing the provision of professional business and operations support services to the Division. She works with other Managers in Divisional Services and Administration to ensure consistent work processes and procedures are implemented across the Division and University.

If a department has any special projects or requires additional administrative support for any reason, please contact her.

Tel +64 3 479 8673
Mobile +64 21 278 8673

Lead Administrators

Michelle Daniel

Tel +64 21 279 8746

Nikki Kennedy

Tel +64 21 279 0681

Michelle Moss

Tel +64 21 279 5146

Marlene Robertson

Tel +64 21 249 4995

Quentin Johnson, Manager, Divisional Finances

Quentin manages and provides expert financial advice, analysis and support to the Division of Humanities and the Otago Business School. He works with other Divisional Finance Managers to ensure that consistent financial processes and procedures are implemented across Divisions and the University.

If a department has any special financial projects or requires specialist financial analysis and support, please contact him.

Tel +64 3 479 5793
Mobile +64 21 279 1229

Finance Manager and Associates

GrahamArnold, Finance Manager

Tel +64 3 479 8638

Louise Freeman, Finance Associate

Tel +64 3 479 8979

Wallace Chan, Finance Associate

Tel +64 3 479 8140

Stephanie Tancredi, Finance Associate

Tel +64 3 479 4940

Carol Forbes (Specialist Academic Committee and Services)

This position is embedded in the Division of Humanities; Carol is part of the Academic Committees and Services team, which reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) office.

  • Advising and preparation of academic proposals
  • Servicing Humanities and University committees
  • Assist with Annual reporting, GYR and External moderation processes
  • Course variations for Humanities programmes

Tel +64 3 479 8792

Kaiāwhina Māori, Māori Student Support Officers

The Kaiāwhina Māori Officers support Māori students within Te Kete Aronui (Humanities).

Support includes:

  • Liaising with academic departments and student services
  • Working alongside the Humanities' Associate Dean (Māori) to advance Māori development within the Division.

Tenaya Brown and Marie Tutbury

Tel +64 3 479 8681
Mob +64 21 279 8681

More information on Māori Student Support in the Division of Humanities.

Pacific Islands Student Support Officers

The Pacific Islands Students' Support Officers support Pacific Islands students within Te Kete Aronui (Humanities).

Support includes:

  • Liaising with academic departments and support services with any issues or concerns relating to students and their course of study
  • Helping to facilitate access to pastoral care, student services and course advice within the university

Sia Lei-Mata'afa and Vika Piukala

Tel +64 3 479 9616

More information on Pacific Students Support in the Division of Humanities.

Liz Owen (Executive Assistant)

Responsible for executive assistance to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

Support includes:

  • Assisting with Human Resources processes such as annual performance reviews and Chair appointments
  • Acting as secretary for Divisional Leadership Group meetings
  • Providing advice and administration for the Research and Study Leave process for academic staff.

Tel +64 3 479 8670

Anton Lambaart (Adviser Marketing Services, Humanities)

Anton is the key point of contact for marketing  for the Division of Humanities. His role is to facilitate strategic marketing planning, and provide marketing advice to managers and staff within the Division to strengthen their marketing efforts.

Anton works collaboratively with the wider University Marketing Services teams, such as Events, Design, Publications and Web Services to ensure marketing strategies are delivered.

He works alongside the Division's Communications Adviser to help provide a co-ordinated service for managers and staff in the Division.

Tel +64 3 479 5997
Mobile +64 21 279 5997

Antonia Wallace (Communications Adviser, Humanities)

Mob +64 21 279 4144

Tanner Skillings (Development Manager, Humanities, Development and Alumni Relations Office)

Tel +64 3 479 8968
Mobile +64 21 279 8968
Email tanner.skillings­

Research and Enterprise

Business Development Manager, Research & Enterprise

Business Development Managers (BDM's) assist researchers with external funding opportunities. These include both research and commercial ventures where a University of Otago staff member might be involved. BDM's offer advice regarding funding opportunities, the contract process, intellectual property, and relationship management.

Paul Foster-Bell

Paul supports the Division of Humanities.

Tel: +64 21 279 1664

Natalie Harfoot

Natalie supports researchers in School of Social Sciences, School of Geography, and College of Education.

Hours: Monday/Tuesday 9am–5pm, Wednesday/Thursday 9am–3pm, Friday by appointment
Location: 5.S.12, Arts Building, 95 Albany St

Mobile +64 21 279 4173

Michelle Walker

Michelle supports the Humanities Division and more specifically researchers in the Schools of Arts and Performing Arts, Te Tumu, and the Faculty of Law.

Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:15am–12:15pm, Fridays 9:15am–4pm
Location: 5.S.12, Arts Building, 95 Albany St

Mobile +64 21 279 1196

Brett Dailey (Senior Strategic Advisor, Humanities)

Brett is the key point of contact for the Strategy, Analytics & Reporting Office. His role involves providing data insights and strategic advice to academic staff proposing new papers, majors and programmes; and supporting the Division, Schools and Programmes with strategic planning.

Location: Room M02, Clocktower Building

Tel +64 21 279 1080

Kylie Perrin (Administration / enquiries)

Tel +64 3 479 8671

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