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Applied Philosophy. Wait. What?

Professor James Maclaurin from the Department of Philosophy gives his inaugural professorial lecture.
31 July 2018

Why Hokusai's 'Great Wave' Matters

Professor David Bell, from the University of Otago College of Education, delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
16 July 2018

Composing music: but is it research?

Professor Anthony Ritchie, from the Department of Music, Theatre and Performing Arts, delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
15 May 2018

Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Constitution, and our political imagination

Professor Janine Hayward, Head of the Department of Politics, delivers her Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
6 November 2017

Criminal Attempts: how close is too close?

Professor Margaret Briggs, a member of the Faculty of Law, delivers her Inaugural Professorial Lecture

Tax as Law

Professor Shelley Griffiths, a member of the Faculty of Law, delivers her Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
30 August 2017

Out of the myths: The birth of Philosophy

Professor Greg Dawes, a member of both the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Theology and Religion, delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
7 August 2017

The challenges of school leadership: Black holes and great joys!

Professor Ross Notman, Dean of the University of Otago College of Education, and Director of the Centre for Educational Leadership and Administration, delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.
25 July 2017

Toitū te Whenua, Toitū te Mana

Professor Jacinta Ruru of the Faculty of Law delivers her Inaugural Professorial Lecture

Hoka: Motivators of Time

Professor Poia Rewi of Te Tumu - the School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

Dealing with Difference: Responses to uneven geographical development

Professor Etienne Nel of the Department of Geography delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

Murderous Politeness in Ancient Rome

Professor Jon Hall from the Department of Classics delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture

Reshaping the Baton: The enduring relevance of intellectual history

Professor Takashi Shogimen from the Department of History and Art History delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

“We need new forms”: Playful Adventures from Chekhov to Verbatim Theatre

Professor Stuart Young from the Department of Music (which incorporates the Theatre Studies programme and the Bachelor of Performing Arts programme) delivers his Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

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