BA (Hons) (Film and Media Studies and Art History), MA (Film and Media Studies)
I took Media, Film and Communication because I've always been a bit of a film geek so was excited to be able to watch a variety of different types of films and learn more about how films are put together. Also, the subject meshes well with a lot of other subjects so I was able to do a double major with Art History.
It was really enjoyable because I got to travel while also getting an education. During my undergrad degree I went on an exchange to UC Berkeley in California (and even got to visit Hollywood!). During my Masters I went back to Los Angeles to do research at film archives and later went to London for a conference on the representation of European figures in film. I am now working on my PhD in Media, Film and Communication and am in Paris on an exchange.
At Otago I have made friends from all over the country and the world and have come across lots of new ideas and opinion. The staff in the department are all passionate about their areas of study and are keen to share their enthusiasm with students. I also have a very supportive supervisor whose advice is always helpful.
My degree has taught me skills like analysis and making a good argument which are valuable in any job. Also, my undergrad degree prepared me for postgraduate stud because studying a wide range of film-related topics helped me to choose the topics that I was most interested in pursuing for my postgraduate degrees.