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Current PhD students

Kate Campbell

The role of meal replacement interventions in the treatment and management of type 2 diabetes.

Supervisors: Andrew Reynolds, Meredith Peddie and Ella Iosua

Jen Gale

Impact of regular activity breaks on postprandial metabolism.

Supervisors: Meredith Peddie, Elaine Hargreaves and Rachel Brown

Ioanna Katiforis

Impacts of living in a food insecure household on New Zealand infants 7.0-9.9 months of age and their primary carer.

Supervisors: Anne-louise Heath, Claire Smith, Sara Styles, Jill Haszard and Claudia Leong

Hannah Martin

Change in motivational profiles for eating behaviour over five years in New Zealand women and their associations with intuitive eating.

Supervisors: Sara Styles and Elaine Hargreaves

Penelope Matkin-Hussey

Continuous glucose monitoring as a novel tool for Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport.

Supervisors:  Katherine Black and Dane Baker

Laura Ombasa

Dietary influences on symptoms of functional gastrointestinal disorders and related host-microbiota signature in adults.

Supervisors:  Nicole Roy, Jody Miller, Richard Gearry and Warren McNabb

Ping Ong

The effects of dailY consumption of rUMinant MIlk on nutrition and digestive comfort in older women, The YUMMI study.

Supervisors: Nicole Roy, Jody Miller, Lisa Houghton, Richard Gearry and Warren McNabb

Current MSc students

Zahrah Hatraby

Food waste and the Ka Ora, Ka Ako school lunch programme.

Supervisors:  Sheila Skeaff, Claire Smith and Maranda Mirosa

Taingarue Mataira

Breeding characteristics of Mānuka honey preferred by Ngāti Porou Miere landowners.

Supervisors: Sheila Skeaff and Phil Wilcox

Briar Mills

Investigation of food waste at University of Otago residential colleges.

Supervisors: Sheila Skeaff, Miranda Mirosa and Ray O'Brien

Muffet Taro

The role of the father in feeding children under 5 years in the Solomon Islands.

Supervisors:  Sheila Skeaff and Edmond Fehoko

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