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Graduated with BSc Human Nutrition, MAppSc in Advanced Nutrition PracticeAnna Wallace image

Current Role: Policy Analyst - Ministry of Primary Industries

When I first started my studies at Otago, I enrolled in the 'First Year Health Science' program. However, I soon realised that this wasn't the right fit for me. Luckily, I discovered the Human Nutrition program and decided to give it a try. With my passion for people and food, it seemed like a no-brainer – and it certainly paid off!

Over the course of 4 ½ years, I found the Human Nutrition curriculum to be thought-provoking and diverse. What's more, our class had a great rapport, which made the experience all the more enjoyable. Through my studies, I developed my written and verbal communication, policy analysis, critical thinking, researching, and teamwork skills. These skills have proven invaluable to me in the workplace, as they are all highly applicable to real-life situations.

My first job out of university was as a technical advisor for the Food Science team at the Ministry for Primary Industries. In this role, I had to handle large amounts of data, research various nutritional topics, and present information to groups of people. Thanks to my Human Nutrition degree, I had the skills I needed to excel in this role and gain confidence in my abilities.

Today, I work as a policy analyst for the Food Policy team at the same Ministry. I've always been fascinated by policy and its ability to shape public health and nutrition outcomes. As a policy analyst, I use my written and critical thinking skills every day to analyse complex issues and make recommendations to the Minister. I'm especially grateful for my ability to use plain English to describe complicated concepts, a skill that I honed during my studies.

Looking ahead, I'm excited to take my nutrition skills to a new context, as I'll soon be moving to London. The great thing about the Human Nutrition degree is that it provides you with a wide range of skills that can be applied to many different careers. I owe a debt of gratitude to the University of Otago for setting me on this path, and I highly recommend the Human Nutrition program to anyone who shares my passion for people and food.

Key Tasks:

Critical thinking - Creation of problem definitions, applying various perspectives that compound on a particular area.

Policy writing - Writing briefings and cabinet papers to the Food Safety Minister, having to write concisely and clearly.

Project scoping – Being part of a team scoping a project from scratch, in depth research and planning involved.

Team work – Often working in a team when it comes to different pieces of work. Also needing to proof read/peer review the work of others in your team frequently.

Legislation - Understanding of how various levels of legislation interact and work operationally.

Verbal communication – having frequent meetings and needing to contribute to these, also needing to present every now and then or chair a meeting.

Stakeholder management – A skill needed during project management, being able to communicate effectively and knowing when the right time is to connect with stakeholders.

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