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Graduated with BSc Human Nutrition, MAppSc in Advanced Nutrition PracticeHayden Christie image

Current Roles:

  • Head Nutritionist at both North Harbour and Counties Manukau Rugby Union
  • Nutritionist at Feel Fresh Nutrition
  • Founder of Hayden Christie Nutrition

My studies in Human Nutrition at Otago developed my knowledge and skills in nutritional science, particularly sports nutrition which was my main passion. I also gained a really good understanding of how the body works and how to interpret scientific literature.

The most memorable experience during my four and half years of study was the day trip out to Puketaraki Marae in fourth year, it was really cool.

My current roles involve delivering the sports nutrition programmes to around 100 athletes for the rugby unions I work with. I create positive behaviour change for these athletes as it relates to performance and health in a rugby context. I also spend a large proportion of my time presenting on a variety of different sports nutrition topics to different squads.

In my private practice I have developed a variety of engaging sports nutrition presentations that I present to athletes at the sub-elite level. This includes premier teams in high schools, Academies and sports clubs that are looking to increase their sports nutrition knowledge. I have a huge passion for increasing sports nutrition knowledge in young athletes.

One or two days a week I contract to Feel Fresh Nutrition where I provide individual nutrition support to a range of clients in an online setting. My focus is on providing support to athletes, but I also frequently work with weight loss clients. Again, my key passion in this work is in providing sports nutrition support to young athletes.

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