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Graduated with BSc Human Nutrition, BA PsychologySarah-Jane Hampton image

Current Role: Health Coach Lead, working for Pact with a contract partnership to WellSouth

I gained a wide variety of skills and knowledge during my undergraduate study in Human Nutrition at Otago. The most relevant currently are; dietary assessments utilising 24-hour dietary recall to assess intake, utilising dietary guidelines for nutrition management of health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Being able to take anthropometric measurements, undertake systematic reviews and thematic analysis and utilise motivational interviewing are also key skills that I use in practice.

Memorable learning experiences for me during my time at Otago include developing a pumpkin pasta recipe with a specific budget for a recipe development assignment during lockdown in 2020. The other experience that was incredible was the Motivational Interviewing workshop in the Nutrition and Behaviour change paper (HUNT341). It is something I use everyday in my role as a Health Coach. The case studies across several papers have also been really valuable….it is amazing when those case studies translate to real life work!

In my current role I spend four days a week at a Medical Centre where I see 8-10 clients per day for 30 minute consultations. The consults are structured and begin with a Quality-of-Life questionnaire where scores are collated for physical, mental and social health. With a client centred approach goals are set for a chosen area of health and discuss strategies to address barriers that are preventing reaching the goal. An action plan is made and a follow-up appointment is booked.

As a Health Coach Lead, I also support other Health Coaches to integrate into General Practices including providing peer support/educational webinars and visiting the practice.

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