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Graduated with BSc Human Nutrition, MAppSc in Advanced Nutrition Practice.Sophie McCarthy image

Current Role: Kaihononga Hapori Kai Whānui – Community Food Networker at Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective.

During my studies at Otago I have not only gained skills and knowledge about nutritional science but I have also been equipped with the skills to be able to continue to learn and think critically about a range of topics within and beyond nutrition.

Otago is well known for its student life, and this was a significant part of my experience too. Otago helped me to strengthen skills in relationship building and I was able to form relationships both professionally and socially which I still hold today. This was important to me as I believe having a sense of community and belonging is essential to living well. I also began my Te Ao Māori journey during my time at Otago which I have continued to develop since graduating.

My MAppSc professional placement was pivotal in helping me to get to where I am now. I completed my placement with Healthy Families Far North where I found my passion in public health and systems change. Getting hands on experience in an environment where it was safe to fail helped me find my place.

My role at Kore Hiakai Hunger Collective is centred around relationships as this is essential to creating change. I connect with and provide support to community food organisations and kai initiatives across Aotearoa. This support includes communicating information from our researchers and contributing to communications around different community food distribution models.

Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective works towards a food secure Aotearoa where all people have access to enough kai, enough to meet nutritional needs and preferences as well as foster connection and celebration. Our approach is to support community food organisation whilst also working to address the root cause of food related poverty.

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