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The following Schedule of Financial Delegations has been approved by University Council (12 July meeting).

The Schedule provides delegated authority and expenditure limits (where applicable) for:

  • Capital expenditure (including Finance Leases)
  • Operating Expenditure
  • Transferring budget between operating and capital expenditure
  • Expenditure of Carry Forward Balances
  • Establishment and Approval of Contracts

All Authority Values are GST Exclusive  

University Council to Vice-Chancellor

ContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

All Deeds and Contracts to $7.5 million*

Establish finance leases with whole of life cost up to $2.5 million**

Within Approved Budget

Discretionary approval of additional expenditure of up to $2.5 million above the annual budget

Approval to transfer up to $2.5 million from operating budget subject to a positive variance against budget to cover the proposed expenditure

Disposal of assets with an original cost of up to $2.5 million

Within Approved Budget

Discretionary approval of additional expenditure of up to
$2.5 million above the annual budget subject to a positive variance against the budgeted operating surplus to cover the proposed expenditure

Expenditure of Carry Forwards subject to positive net University carry forwards within the current financial year

* All Deeds and Contracts over $7.5 million are to be signed off by two members of the University Council.
** All finance leases with a whole of life cost up to $2.5 million are to be signed off by two members of the University Council.

University Council to Vice-Chancellor

Liabilities, Funds Transfers and Debt Write-Offs
  1. Discharge or payment of liabilities
  2. Payment of consolidated approved liabilities
  3. Transfer of amounts between approved University bank accounts
  4. Write off debts owing to the University in aggregate up to $250k

University Council to Committee of Council

Capital Development Committee



Within Approved Budget with individual projects to be approved by Council Within Approved Budget
Audit and Risk Committee n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget

Vice-Chancellor to Committees

Internationalisation Committee n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Equipment Committee n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Research Committee n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Scholarships Committee n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Committee for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget

Committees to Specific Staff

CommitteeStaff Member Staff ContractsCapitalOperating
Capital Development Committee

Chief Operating Officer

Director Property and Campus Development

Chief Digital Officer

Head of Transformation and Improvement



Within Approved Project Budget Within Approved Project Budget
Research Committee DVC Research and Enterprise n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Internationalisation Committee DVC External Engagement n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Committee for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning DVC Academic n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Equipment Committee DVC Research and Enterprise n/a n/a Within Approved Budget Within Approved Budget
Scholarships Committee Scholarships Officer n/a n/a n/a Within Approved Budget

Vice-Chancellor to Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise, Deputy Vice-Chancellor External Engagement and Chief Operating Officer

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

Replacement of existing professional staff

Subject to HR Policies for academic staff

New professional staff appointments where budgetary approval is obtained

All Contracts to $2.5 million

Second signature on all contracts

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $1million

Land:- Nil

Buildings:- $250k per annum subject to approval from Director Property and Campus Development

Transfer up to $500k from operating budget

Disposal of assets other than land and buildings with an original cost of up to $1 million

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $1 million

Limited to individual transactions under $1 million subject to a positive net Division carry forward within the current financial year

Land:- Nil

Buildings:- $250k per annum subject to approval from Director Property and Campus Development

Vice-Chancellor to Pro-Vice-Chancellors

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

Subject to HR Policies for academic staff

New professional staff appointments where budgetary approval is obtained

All category 1 contracts subject to limits under "Capital" and "Operating"

Within Approved Budget

Limited to individual transactions under $500k

Land:- Nil

Buildings:- $250k per annum subject to approval from Director Property and Campus Development

Transfer up to $500k from operating budget

Disposal of assets other than land and buildings with a cost value of up to $500k

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $500k

Limited to individual transactions under $500k subject to a positive net Division carry forward within the current financial year

Land:- Nil

Buildings:- $250k per annum subject to approval from Director Property and Campus Development

Vice-Chancellor to Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer

Contracts, Liabilities and Funds Transfers
  1. Discharge or payment of liabilities
  2. Payment of consolidated approved liabilities
  3. Transfer of amounts between approved University bank accounts
  4. Write off debts owing to the University
  5. Establish finance leases with whole of life costs under $250k
Limited to individual transactions under $10 million for items 1 and 2. For item 4, limited to aggregated transactions under $25k.
With the approval of the Vice Chancellor these authorities may be delegated to other staff to maintain operational efficiency.

Pro-Vice-Chancellors to Academic Cost Centre Heads

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

All category 1 contracts subject to limits under "Capital" and "Operating"

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $75k

Land And Buildings:- Nil

Transfer up to $75k from operating budget

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $75k

Limited to individual transactions under $75k subject to a positive net Cost Centre carry forward within the current financial year

Excludes land and buildings

Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors to Researchers

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

Subject to HR Policies for academic staff

All Category 1 contracts subject to terms of existing approved research contracts Within terms of existing approved research contracts

Within terms of existing approved research contracts

Within terms of existing approved research contracts

Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Chief Operating Officer to Service Division Heads, Chief Financial Officer and Registrar and Secretary to Council

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

Subject to HR policies

All Category 1 contracts subject to limits under "Capital" and "Operating"

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) to Director Research, Director Enterprise, Deputy Director Research, and Deputy Director Enterprise - All Category 2 contracts up to $50k (Research and Commercial only)

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $250k

Land & buildings:- Nil

Transfer up to $250k from operating budget

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $250k

Limited to individual transactions under $250k subject to a positive net Division carry forward within the current financial year

Excludes land and buildings

Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Chief Operating Officer and Service Division Heads to Service Division Cost Centre Heads

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards

All category 1 contracts subject to limits under "Capital" and "Operating"

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $75k

Land And Buildings:- Nil

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $75k

Limited to individual transactions under $75k subject to a positive net Cost Centre carry forward within the current financial year

Excludes land and buildings

Vice Chancellor to Divisional Services and Administration staff

StaffContractsCapitalOperatingCarry Forwards
Nil Nil

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $5k within assigned Division/School

Land And Buildings:- Nil

Within Approved Budget limited to individual transactions under $5k within assigned Division/School


Further Information about the Schedule of Financial Delegations

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