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Academic performance and development review

About academic performance development and reviews

The University expects that all academic staff will meet regularly with their academic head or supervisor to discuss performance in the role, clarify expectations, and to set objectives that support career development and align with the needs of the area.

In order to support academic performance development, Human Resources provides academic performance and development review guidelines and an online system to record regular review and objective-setting. These formal appraisal and goal-setting processes for academic staff happen either annually or biennially for different groups.

Biennial reviews

The following groups of employees have a biennial performance and development review.

Follow the links above to find the guidelines and timeline for the upcoming or current review.

Annual reviews

The following groups of employees have an annual performance and development review.

Follow the links above to find the guidelines and timeline for the upcoming or current review.

Confirmation path

The Confirmation Path process no longer applies; employees who were previously covered by Confirmation Path are now included in the annual and biennial reviews.

View archived information on the Confirmation Path webpage

More information

View the Academic Performance Review guidelines for further detail on the formal review schedules

Access Progress, the online application for academic performance and development reviews

View Progress FAQs

Key contacts

Human Resources Academic Reviews team
Tel +64 3 479 8266

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