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The University expects that all academic staff members will have their performance reviewed regularly and appropriate professional development put in place. Academic staff are reviewed either annually or biennially.

A positive review can result in moving up within a salary scale, depending on your position. You can check the progression provisions for your position below.

We use an online portal – Progress – to record the reviews and appraisals of academic staff. Your Head of Department or supervisor will meet with you to discuss your performance and your plans for the coming year(s).

When you submit your review, you are asked to provide a summary of your achievements in the review period and to upload your CV. For teaching staff, you will also need to upload evidence for the quality of your teaching. The Review Guidelines tell you what you need to submit.

  1. Find the Guidelines for your review from the list below.
  2. Submit your review using Progress

Note that Academic Promotion is a separate process, where you make a special application for promotion to a higher salary range, which usually comes with a new job title.
View more information about Academic Promotion

Follow the links below to find the review guidelines for your academic position.


This information applies to:

  • Professors
  • Research Professors
  • Clinical Professors

Frequency: Biennial, current review in 2023.



Week commencing 23 OctoberHuman Resources Division sends guidelines and documentation to Professors, Heads of Departments, Deans and Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
October/NovemberHeads of Departments set their own due dates for submitting review documentation, and arrange interviews with Professors.
17 NovemberHealth Sciences Professors' documents with comments by Heads of Departments sent to Deans.
4 DecemberProfessors' documents with comments by Heads of Departments and Deans (for Health Sciences) sent to Pro-Vice-Chancellors for decision.
18 DecemberPapers with decisions by Pro-Vice-Chancellors sent to the Manager, Promotions and Remuneration, Human Resources Division.
January/February 2024Vice-Chancellor reviews decisions in discussion with Pro-Vice-Chancellors, as appropriate.
1 February 2024Effective date for any approved progressions.

Associate Professors

This information applies to:

  • Associate Professors
  • Research Associate Professors
  • Clinical Associate Professors

Frequency: Biennial, next review in 2024



9 September

Human Resources Division e-mails out guidelines and documentation to Associate Professors, Heads of Departments, Deans and Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
September/OctoberAssociate Professors submit reviews to Heads of Department. Heads of Department set own due dates.
11 November – to Deans (Health Sciences)Heads of Departments submit comments to Deans (Health Sciences only).
2 DecemberHeads of Departments and Deans (for Health Sciences) submit comments to Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
17 December – to HRPro-Vice-Chancellors submit comments to Human Resources Division.
January/February 2025Vice-Chancellor reviews decisions in discussion with Pro-Vice-Chancellors, as appropriate.
1 February 2025Effective date for any approved progressions.

Senior Lecturers beyond the bar / Senior Research Fellows beyond the bar

This information applies to:

  • Senior Lecturers beyond the bar
  • Senior Research Fellows beyond the bar

Frequency: Biennial, next review in 2024



SeptemberHuman Resources Division e-mails out guidelines and documentation to Senior Lecturers and Senior Research Fellows beyond the bar,
Heads of Departments, Deans and Pro-Vice-Chancellors.

Senior Lecturers and Senior Research Fellows beyond the bar submit reviews to Heads of Department. Heads of Department set own due dates.
11 NovemberHeads of Departments submit comments to Deans (Health Sciences only).
2 DecemberHeads of Departments and Deans (for Health Sciences) submit comments to Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
17 DecemberPro-Vice-Chancellors submit comments to Human Resources Division.
January 2025The Manager, Promotions and Remuneration, Human Resources Division advises Senior Lecturers and Senior Research Fellows beyond the bar of the outcome of the review.
1 February 2025Effective date for any approved progressions.

College of Education School / Childhood Education Support Service Academic Staff

Applications for promotion from Support Service Advisers covered by the NZEI agreement will be sought if they are eligible to apply for promotion to go over a bar or move up one step on the salary scale after attestation.

Frequency: Annual


NovemberNotification of promotion round.
NovemberApplications to appraisers for attestation.
DecemberApplications including attestation from appraiser are submitted to Human Resources by the closing date.
DecemberApplications for promotion and progression are considered by an Assessment Committee and submitted to the Dean of the College of Education for approval.
DecemberApplicants will be advised of the outcome of their application.
1 FebruaryEffective date for promotions and progressions.

If you are considering applying to cross a bar, you are encouraged to contact the Director, Education Support Services on +64 3 479 4907 or email, who can advise you on what is required for this rigorous promotional process.


Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow

This information applies to:

  • Senior Lecturers (below the bar)
  • Senior Research Fellows (below the bar)

Frequency: Annual.



Week commencing 9 September

Review opens. Human Resources emails guidelines and the link to Progress to eligible academic staff, HODs, Heads of School, Deans and PVCs as well as Professional staff with Progress Access.

September-NovemberAcademic staff submit their reviews to First Reviewer: HODs / Heads of Schools. This deadline may be earlier if required by HODs / Heads of Schools.
29 November 2024HODs / Heads of School submit to Second Reviewer: Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Deans in Health Sciences for a final decision.
Ideally by the end of December 2024, but no later than 15 January 2025Final approvers (Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Health Sciences Deans) complete all reviews. Decisions are available to the HR Manager, Promotions & Remuneration.
January 2025Human Resources emails Senior Lecturers, Senior Research Fellows and Teacher Education Fellows the outcome of the review.
1 February 2025Effective date for any approved salary progressions.

College of Education Senior Lecturers (COE) and Lecturers (COE) on Teacher Education Fellow salary scales

This information applies to:

  • College of Education Lecturers and Senior Lecturers on the Teacher Education Fellow salary scales.

Frequency: Annual


For Teacher Education Fellows on TEF Range 1

For Teacher Education Fellows on TEF Range 2

Lecturers / Research Fellows

This information applies to:

  • Lecturers
  • Research Fellows

Progression through the designated steps on the Lecturer/Research Fellow salary scale is, subject to satisfactory performance, by annual increment.

Movement above this level is from a successful application for promotion under the Academic Staff Promotions HR Policy.

For staff appointed on or before 1 September in any year, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February of the very next year whilst for those appointed between 2 September and 31 January, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February of the following year. Increments thereafter become annual on 1 February.

Professional Practice Fellows and Senior Professional Practice Fellows

For staff appointed on or before 1 September 2022, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February 2023 whilst for those appointed between 2 September 2022 and 31 January 2023, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February 2024. Increments thereafter become annual on 1 February.

Assistant Research Fellows

Progression through the designated steps in the Assistant Research Fellow band below the bar (Steps 1 to 6) is subject to satisfactory performance, by annual increment.

To move to the range above the bar, Assistant Research Fellows must apply for academic promotion.

Progression through the designated steps in the Assistant Research Fellow band above the bar (Steps 7 to 10 ) is subject to satisfactory performance, by annual increment.

For staff appointed on or before 1 September in any year, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February of the very next year whilst for those appointed between 2 September and 31 January, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February of the following year. Increments thereafter become annual on 1 February.

Scientific Officers

Progression through the designated steps on the Lecturer/Research Fellow salary scale is, subject to satisfactory performance, by annual increment.

Scientific Officers are not eligible for promotion.

For staff appointed on or before 1 September in any year, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February of the very next year whilst for those appointed between 2 September and 31 January, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February of the following year. Increments thereafter become annual on 1 February.

Teaching Fellows and Senior Teaching Fellows

For staff appointed on or before 1 September 2022, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February 2023, whilst for those appointed between 2 September 2022 and 31 January 2023, their first annual increment will apply from 1 February 2024. Increments subject to progression or promotion thereafter become annual on 1 February.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellows are not eligible for progression.

Key contacts

Promotions and Progression
Tel +64 3 479 9263

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