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A Scientific Officer applies expert scientific knowledge and expertise in support of research and teaching either independently, as a service for a number of people, or within a specific research group.


Academic Support

It is expected that Scientific Officers:

  1. operate and manage scientific equipment and/or scientific processes in support of others' research or teaching
  2. are responsible for the use and management of laboratory space
  3. collect and analyse data
  4. train others in the use of scientific equipment and processes
  5. assist Researchers with experimental design
  6. assist with the preparation of funding applications
  7. assist with the preparation and delivery of lectures / Labs / Seminars or field work
  8. undertake supervision of students' technical work
  9. carry out administrative and/or compliance work within a department

Service to the University and Community

It is expected that Scientific Officers:

  1. contribute to administration in their Department or School
  2. represent the Department through contributions to relevant committees, working parties within the Division e.g. Health and Safety Committee, Seminar Series, Research Committee, Equipment Committees
  3. contribute to the implementation of the Maori Strategy
  4. contribute to the profession / discipline


It is expected that Scientific Officers:

  1. take an active interest in the activities relating to the Department
  2. meet all compliance and reporting requirements
  3. work collegially with staff and students in the Department

The Scientific Officer may oversee other staff and may have budget responsibility.

Employment conditions


PhD or Masters degree plus relevant experience.

Authority to appoint

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Dean in Health Sciences)

Find out more about authority to appoint academic staff

Confirmation path

Not eligible

Salary scale

Lecturer scale (Non Medical/Dental) (steps 1 to 7)

View all salary scales

Performance review


Find out more about annual performance appraisals

Salary Progressions

One step annually on salary scale through to the top of the scale, subject to satisfactory performance.  For further information, go to section 10.2 of the Academic Staff (Non Medical/Dental) Employment Agreement.

View all employment agreements

View all salary scales


Not eligible

Research and study leave

Not eligible

Employment Agreements

Scientific Officers usually are covered by the:

  • Academic Staff (Non Medical/Dental) Individual Agreement

View all employment agreements

Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF)

Not required to submit an Evidence Portfolio.

Find out more about the PBRF

Useful information

Key contacts

Dan Wilson
HR Manager - Promotions & Remuneration
+64 3 479 8092

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