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At the University of Otago we recognise the importance of a healthy work–life balance, and have a range of work place options to assist staff in managing this.

Staff are able to request flexible working arrangements for personal and/or academic / professional reasons.  A request may cover the hours or days of work, the place of work, or some other working arrangement.

A request may be formal or informal.

Informal process

  1. Staff who wish to adjust their working arrangements (for example, hours or days of work) can make an informal request through discussion with their manager.
  2. Managers are encouraged to consider all aspects of a request, including the impact on the individual, their colleagues, their customers, and the area / division.
  3. Having considered this, managers can then decide whether to accept, negotiate a compromise, or decline the request.

Staff wishing to make a request are not required to give any specific reasons and can make a request at any time. Agreed arrangements can be for a fixed period or a permanent change.  Where the agreed arrangements change the employee's terms and/or conditions of employment, Human Resources must be notified.

Formal process

If an informal request has been turned down, or if the staff member prefers to make a request formally, it is possible to make a formal written request.  

Formal written requests must be made using the correct form.  Any person making a formal request is covered by the provisions of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (“the ERA”).  

Under the ERA, the University must deal with the request within one month of receiving it.  If the request is refused, the University must state the grounds for the refusal and explain the grounds.

More information

Key contacts

Dan Wilson
HR Manager, Promotions & Remuneration
64 3 479 8092

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