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All new incoming international students must register for and attend a New International Student Enrolment and Orientation seminar before completing enrolment.

International students starting semester 2, 2024

If you are an international PhD or research master's (thesis-based) student enrolling on campus for the first time, please see instructions in the next section of this webpage.

For all other students, the semester 2, 2024 orientation and enrolment seminars are due to take place 8-12 July 2024.

We recommend new international students arrive on campus by 8 July at the latest to complete enrolment, participate in orientation activities and adjust to their new surroundings ahead of the first day of class.

  • Certificate of Proficiency (COP) students who are here on a Study Abroad or Exchange programme: please register for the Study Abroad and Exchange Seminar at 10am or 2pm on Monday 8 July.
  • If you are in a postgraduate programme by coursework (postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma, honours, or masters) register for the Postgraduate seminar at 9:30am on Wednesday 10 July.

All other students may select any remaining seminar. Any student can register for these seminars if the recommended seminars do not work for you.

Please register for your seminar day and time here

After registering:

You must send a high-quality pdf scan of your passport bio page and facing page AND the pdf of your visa once you have received it from Immigration New Zealand to . Please write your full legal name and student ID number in the is email so that we can identify you.

You must bring your passport to the seminar with you and have it ready to present at the attendance desk.

View the International enrolment and orientation schedule (PDF)

For any questions, please contact the International Office.


Research masters' or PhD students starting on campus

If you are an international PhD or research master's (thesis-based) student enrolling on campus for the first time (this includes students who have already begun their study remotely/online), you must report to the AskOtago Central Hub in Dunedin, or the AskOtago reception if you are studying at one of the other Otago campuses.

In Dunedin, the AskOtago Central Hub is located in the Information Services Building and the drop-in hours are Monday–Friday, 11am–3pm.

You will need to bring your passport and electronic  visa with you to be verified. This step activates a series of important steps and services to support you with a smooth transition for your studies on campus, including an on-campus orientation session (mandatory to attend).

Please also register for an on-campus orientation/welcome session for PhD/masters' students by completing this survey:

Enrolment and orientation seminar registration survey – PhD/master's

Distance learning students

Students starting their qualification by distance learning should contact for a seminar day and time to attend orientation online.

International students starting on-campus in Summer School and Semester 1 2025

The orientation and enrolment seminar dates and times for students joining Summer School 2025 will be announced later in 2024.

For international students starting in semester 1 2025, the orientation and enrolment seminars are due to take place during the week 17–21 February 2025. The specific session dates, times and registration will be published on this page later in 2024.

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