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A postgraduate research opportunity at the University of Otago.


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Master's, PhD
Dr Meredith Perry


Access to and timely delivery of respiratory services (i.e. non-invasive ventilation and exhalation support) improves the quality of life of people with progressive neuromuscular disease (NMD). However, various factors including individual, socioeconomic, culture, funding and environmental factors affect access, uptake and use of these supports.

There is Master's and PhD opportunities in this inter-professional team to:

  • Explore the use of sEMG as a viable proxy outcome measure for strength in people with neuromuscular disease
  • Explore the cohesion and effectiveness of a multidisciplinary approach to delivery of respiratory services for people with NMD across District Health Board's
  • Work collaboratively across the health system; with communities, clinicians and policy makers; to develop guidelines for best practice respiratory services for people with NMD

This programme of research is co-led by: Professor Alister Neill and Dr Tristram Ingham: Dr Meredith Perry and Ms Bernadette Jones are AI; and Dr Dan Cury Ribeiro is a collaborator.

Dr Perry would welcome enquiries from eligible candidates with a background in health.


Donna Keen
Tel 0800 687 489 (within New Zealand)

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