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Answers to many of your scholarships-related questions can be found below. If you have a question that is not on this list, please contact us on

When will I get my scholarship payment?

If you are receiving a monthly stipend you will be paid on the third Thursday of each month. Dates differ each month depending on when the third Thursday falls, so for some months it will be later than others.

You can monitor upcoming scholarship payments in the "My scholarships and awards" section of your eVision portal.

Where are the application forms to apply for University of Otago scholarships?

For many of our scholarships applications are made online through the student eVision portal. For more information on when you will receive the alert inviting you to apply for a scholarship, see the following webpages:

Can I study overseas if I hold a University of Otago postgraduate scholarship?

If your overseas study is research-related you can continue to hold your University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship for up to 12 months. The stipends will continue to be paid into your NZ bank account provided you meet all other the requirements such as being course approved. You do need to apply for overseas research, more information on this process can be found here. Overseas tenure of a University of Otago Masters Research Scholarship is normally not permitted.

If you would like to be based at an overseas location to write up your thesis you will no longer be eligible to receive the remainder of your scholarship. You would likely also be charged international tuition fees for the period of the overseas stay. See this webpage for more information.

Can I reapply for a Doctoral/Master's scholarship?

University of Otago Scholarships are extremely competitive and the decision of the Scholarships Selection Committee on a scholarship application is normally definitive. A student can look at reapplying if they have something new to add to a previous application.

Potential applicants must seek permission from the Manager, Postgraduate Scholarships, Prizes and Awards to reapply. Please email with a request to reapply. Please include your full name, student ID number, and evidence of the new material which you are adding to your previous application. Permission for reapplication will only be granted once the reapplication request has been reviewed by the Manager.

If approval for reapplication is granted, an invitation to apply for funding will be sent to your eVision portal.

Do I need to provide a transcript for my scholarship application?

If you are applying for postgraduate scholarships and your most recent year of study was at the University of Otago, you do not need to provide a transcript. If your most recent year of study was at another University you will need to provide a transcript. This will be uploaded by you during your application to your programme, which will then be included in your scholarship application.

What should I upload for research evidence and supporting evidence on a postgraduate scholarship application?

Research Evidence is where you load information outside of your academic transcript that demonstrates your research experience.  In most cases this will be the front page of a publication or conference presentation.

Supporting Evidence is where you load information if you would like to request special consideration if you have grades that you do not wish to have included in your grade assessment, or you have a reason for lower than expected grades.  In most cases this happens due to ill health or bereavement, and the documents uploaded provides evidence of this.

What funding is available for travel to a conference?

Unfortunately there is not a lot of funding available for travel or conferences, particularly at Master's level. Academic Divisions have some limited funding available for doctoral students to travel to conferences in New Zealand and overseas. Talk to your Department in the first instance. There are also a few scholarships available that assist doctoral students to attend conferences, e.g., the Brooker Travel and helloworld Doctoral Travel Scholarship. Search the Scholarships Database for more information.

What funding is available for research related costs?

In some disciplines there are scholarships available that support research costs. Search the Scholarships Database for more information. Normally, if you are on a standard Doctoral Scholarship or Master's Research Scholarship, funding for research costs or travel costs does not affect your standard scholarship entitlement.

How long until I will hear the outcome of my scholarship application?

The Scholarships Office endeavours to inform you about the outcome of scholarship applications as quickly as possible. Often scholarship decisions are tied to other requirements such as University Admission or admission into the relevant academic programme of study. These factors can sometimes delay communication about scholarship outcomes.

Are scholarship payments taxable?

No, scholarship payments are tax-free payments to support a student during their studies.

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