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Study Environmental Management at Otago

    Finding creative ways to save the planet.

    From climate change and deforestation to soil erosion and species losses, the world seems plagued by a catalogue of disasters that no-one can stop. The good news is more and more people are on the case. Environmental Management is about coordinating these efforts – investigating problems, developing solutions, and working in multidisciplinary teams to get things done.

    Otago’s Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Environmental Management teaches you about the science of environmental systems and problems. It covers the wider social, economic and political context, including the requirements of environmental legislation. Environmental Management gives you skills and knowledge to find creative responses to environmental challenges.

    Why study Environmental Management?

    As an Environmental Management graduate, you'll work with decision-makers, governments, and large businesses, making a practical contribution to addressing environmental problems in New Zealand and overseas.

    By studying Environmental Management you'll gain a comprehensive and  flexible qualification. The course will develop a wide range of research, analysis, communication and computing skills, and prepare you to take advantage of the numerous career pathways in Environmental Management.

    Career opportunities

    Environmental Management skills are in demand around the world. In New Zealand, Environmental Management has been given an enormous boost as a career option with the introduction of some major pieces of legislation, in particular the Resource Management Act, the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act, and the Biosecurity Act. And there are plenty of opportunities to practise overseas, as long as you familiarize yourself with the local statutory requirements.

    Many large companies now employ Environmental Management staff  to work directly with their other staff, and to deal with local and central government. Those with overseas operations will need personnel with an international perspective in their training, something emphasised in the Otago course.

    Many export companies now need environmental accreditation in order to secure markets in Europe, Japan, North America and elsewhere. Helping companies meet the requirements of such accreditation and certification schemes will be a major employment opportunity in coming years.

    There is now a very large environmental consulting sector, contracting to private and public sector organisations. This kind of work tends to have plenty of variety, not to mention opportunities for travel.

    There is always high demand in this area for graduates with a thorough understanding of the new environmental management scene backed up by specific scientific skills.

    Recommended background

    Students from a range of backgrounds are welcome to study for Otago's BSc in Environmental Management. You'll need an interest in environmental matters, and preferably a solid science grounding to Year 13 Level.

    Choose a study option

    Whether you're embarking on your academic journey with our comprehensive undergraduate programmes or aiming to reach new heights through our advanced postgraduate offerings, Otago is here to support your aspirations.

    Undergraduate qualifications

    For new and current students studying towards a Bachelor's or other first degree. Explore undergraduate qualifications at Otago, designed to build a strong foundation in your chosen field, preparing you for a successful career or further study.

    Note: this subject can also be studied as a minor.

    Ready to apply?

    Take the first step towards your future in this subject.

    Further study opportunities

    Whether you are looking to bridge your undergraduate studies to advanced knowledge or aiming to specialise in a specific field, Otago offers a range of graduate and postgraduate options to suit your aspirations.

    Programme details

    Compare programmes for this subject as a major and minor (where available).

    100-level ENVI 111 Environment and Society18
    GEOG 101 Physical Geography18
    GEOG 102 Geographies of Sustainable Futures18
    One of:
    COMO 101 Modelling and Computation
    MATH 120 Mathematics for Scientists
    MATH 130 Fundamentals of Modern Mathematics
    STAT 110 Statistical Methods
    STAT 115 Introduction to Biostatistics
    200-level GEOG 216 Environmental Management: Principles and Values18
    GEOG 201 Field Research Methods18
    Two of GEOG 281, GEOG 282, GEOG 283, GEOG 284, GEOG 286, GEOG 287, GEOG 288 , GEOG 289, GEOG 298, GEOG 29936
    300-level GEOG 301 Field Research Studies18
    GEOG 397 Environmental Management: Policy and Practice18
    Two of GEOG 387, GEOG 388, GEOG 389, GEOG 390, GEOG 392, GEOG 393, GEOG 394 , GEOG 395, GEOG 398, GEOG 39936
     144 further points. Up to 90 points may be taken from outside Science.144
    Total   360

    A minor subject can be included in many of our undergraduate degrees. To earn a minor, you typically must complete a minimum of 90 points in that subject, with at least 18 points at the 300-level.

    Your minor can be a subject more commonly taken for a different degree. For example, a BCom majoring in Marketing can include Japanese as a minor subject. To include this subject as a minor in your application, first find a major subject through our Subject Search or Study Match.

    You can check what’s required to receive the minor accreditation in the programme details below.

    Available as a minor subject for a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Music (MusB), Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (BEntr), Bachelor of Health Science (BHealSc), Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom), Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) or Bachelor of Commerce and Science (BComSc) degree


    ENVI 111 Environment and Society

    GEOG 101 Physical Geography



    200-levelGEOG 216 Environmental Management: Principles and Values18

    GEOG 397 Environmental Management: Policy and Practice

    One of GEOG 281, GEOG 282, GEOG 283, GEOG 284, GEOG 285, GEOG 286, GEOG 287, GEOG 288, GEOG 289, GEOG 298, GEOG 299, GEOG 387, GEOG 388, GEOG 389, GEOG 390, GEOG 392, GEOG 393, GEOG 394, GEOG 395, GEOG 398, GEOG 399



    Total 90

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