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A centre with an international reputation for research that leads to improved health in under-resourced countries.


The Centre for International Health will build upon the strengths in research and teaching at the University of Otago to contribute to the understanding and improvement of health in under-resourced countries.

Strategic objectives

  1. Build capacity in health research in under-resourced countries, through high quality post-graduate training of both international and New Zealand students.
  2. Conduct research in under-resourced countries, in genuine partnership with local investigators, to make new discoveries that lead to improved health.
  3. Actively disseminate research findings to inform policy, increase public awareness and improve health outcomes.
  4. Build strong collaborations with New Zealand and overseas institutions in proposing and conducting research.

Core values

  • Excellence in research and teaching
  • Partnership
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Collegiality and collaboration
  • Intellectual independence and academic freedom
  • The highest ethical standards
  • Innovation
  • Fairness and equity

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