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Information:  Scheduled Firewall  Change

Timeframe:  Thursday, 27th June 2024, 7:30pm

Services Affected: Internet access to the University of Otago network.

Audience: All users of the University network.

Description: IT Assurance and Cyber Security (ITACS) and the ITS Infrastructure team will enable a security feature in the firewall configuration to enhance security for our university networks against cyber threats.

While most users should not experience any disruptions, there is a chance that legitimate user access could be affected. If you find that Internet services you use are unavailable after the change, please log an AskOtago ticket so that this can be investigated.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this service interruption. Please contact AskOtago if you have any questions.

CRSM Reference: UO-00847165

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