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A High Speed Data Transfer Service for University of Otago Researchers who use ITS HCS Storage

If you need ITS to provision some new research data HCS storage as part of your research project (that will be subsequently enabled for high speed data transfers), please fill out the HCS Request Form first, and once the new storage is available to you, return to this webpage and complete the form below.

To request that your HCS storage is enabled for High Speed Data Transfers please fill out the form below and we will contact you directly within 3 working days.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Requestor Information
Authorisation Details

The name and contact details of the Authorising Principal Investigator (PI) for your Research / Group.

ITS will contact this person before enabling the data transfer pipeline

Project Details Note : If your data transfer requests form part of your NeSI HPC project, ITS and NeSI staff will work together to ensure your data and HPC requirements are coordinated.
Data Transfer - Remote Contacts Information

Please let us know who to contact at your data transfer source or destination site (if not Otago) – otherwise just enter 'Unknown'

Ethics / Applicable Laws

You agree that any applicable ethics approval you have in place for your research, also covers any proposed data transfers using this service.

Note : We can only transfer data using this service if it does not contravene prior ethics approval for your research.

You agree that the data you will transfer using this service does not to your knowledge contravene applicable laws at your source or destination data transfer locations.

HCS Share Details

The name and contact details of the authorising data owner of the ITS high capacity storage (HCS) share you are requesting to enable for data transfers.

ITS will contact this person before enabling the data transfer pipeline.

HCS Data Shares to be enabled for High Speed Data Transfers

For each data share that you want to enable for high speed data transfers, please enter the details in the box below, and including the following

a. The share name(s) or path(s) of each of your HCS shares to be enabled for data transfers.

b. Whether each share should be accessible as read-only (RO) or read-write (RW) from the data transfer nodes.

c. An estimate the size of the data sets to be transferred and how quickly you need the data transferred.

e.g. - \\\my-research-team-share (RO) (300 GB to transfer over 1 month)e.g. - \\\my-research-team-share-2 (RW) (1 TB to transfer over 48 hours)

Security Policy Group

Please select the option below in the dropdown list that best describes the data you are going to transfer.

a. For data that is neither sensitive, nor confidential please choose 'default'

b. For sensitive or confidential information please choose 'restricted'

c. For medical / dental sensitive data please choose 'secure'

Note : If you choose restricted or secure categories we will encrypt your data during transmission and we make sure the receiving party is aware of your data sensitivity classification. Encrypted data transfers typically take longer to complete.

Accessibility Start/End Dates

Otago HCS data share accessibility start/end dates. (This defines the time period when your ITS HCS share is accessible for data transfers)

Note : Once the end date is reached you will be notified by email, and then if we get no response from you, the data transfer links will be automatically closed at this point for security reasons.
Human Check

Please complete the below to prove you are human*

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