ITS provides a free iPad loan service for University of Otago departments needing iPads for use in supporting teaching and research. These devices are located in both Dunedin and Wellington and can be used for:
- projects
- fieldtrips
- research groups
Departments can borrow sets of either 15 or 30 iPads for a period of one to four weeks, depending on availability. Two class sets, each with 15 full-size third generation iPads, and two class sets of 15 iPad Minis are available for loan from the Dunedin campus, and two class sets, each with 15 iPad Air 2s, are based at University of Otago, Wellington. All sets are supplied in heavy-duty lockable cases which must be picked up (or couriered from) the home location, with any courier costs charged to the borrowing department. Sets can be couriered to any of the University of Otago campuses.
There are also four iPad Minis available for short-term individual loan. These are borrowed on the condition that ITS will not install software or set up the devices. This is the responsibility of the borrower and borrowers will be required to uninstall software and charge the devices before returning them to ITS.
The department borrowing the iPads will be responsible for them for the period of the loan, and all items must be returned in the same condition they were supplied in. Departments will be liable for the replacement cost of any damaged items.
How to borrow a set of iPads from ITS
Please complete the iPad Loan Enquiry form and you will be contacted by ITS.
The iPad Booking Calendar will show you when iPad sets are available
Please contact AskOtago if you have any questions about borrowing iPads from ITS.