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Lecture theatre session / casual bookings

Session times

Morning Session 8am – 12 noon
Afternoon Session 1pm – 5pm
Evening Session 6pm – 10pm

Other session times can be negotiated by special arrangement with the Timetables Office and Lecture Theatre area technicians.

Schedule of Hire Charges 2021

Please note that these charges DO NOT include GST. The number enclosed in square brackets after the room names below indicates capacity.

Seat Capacity Hire Charge per session Hire Charge per hour (or part thereof) Locations
451 - 600
St David Lecture Theatre [550], UOCE Auditorium [486]
301 - 450
Castle 1 [324], Castle 2 [415], Colquhoun [312]
126 - 300
Archway 1 [183], Archway 4 [268], Burns 1 [288], Burns 2 [175], Gowland [249], Med Red Theatre [191], Quad 2 [218], Quad 4 [134], Barnett [157], UOCE Tower G07 [243]
100 - 125
Archway 2 [120], Archway 3 [121], Hercus D'Ath [108], Moot Court [100], UOCE Tower G08 [115], Mary Hopewell Theatre [100], UOCE Gymnasium [100], Dental Blue [122]
46 - 99
OBS 1.17 [ 88], OBS G.02 [64], OBS G.17 [64], OBS 1.19 [60], OBS G.19 [56], Surveying 2.05 [94], Surveying G10 [82], Richardson 7N10 [80], Quad 1 [73], Burns 5 [50], Burns 7 [88], St David A [60], St David B [60], St David E [46], St David F [48], Teaching Wing 204 [50], Union St [48], UOCE Drama Centre 102 [47], PE Building 213 [60], Mellor 202 [49], Mellor 215 [72], 71 Frederick Street G05 [48], 71 Frederick Street G10 [90], Walsh 1 [48], Walsh 2 [48], Physical Education 213 [60], Biochemistry G13 [96], Gregory 311 [50]
20 - 45
OBS LG04 [36], OBS LG05 [36], OBS 2.27 [24], OBS 2.28 [24], OBS 2.29 [24], OBS 2.230 [24] Quad 3 [44], Quad 5 [22], Castle A [32], Castle B [32], Castle C [40], Castle D [40], St David C [40], St David D [40], Richardson RGS2 Te Riu [40], Richardson R1S3 Te Wānanga [30], Consumer and Applied Science 1.06 [35], Richardson R1S3 Te Wānanga [30], Burns 3 [24], Burns 4 [40], Burns 6 [25], Castle 520 Room 3 [24], UOCE Gymnasium G01 [38], Gymnasium Dance Studio G02 [30], Arts Building Seminar 4C11 [20], Hunter G.30a [42], Hunter G.30b [42], Hunter 118 [30], Hunter 119 [30], Hunter 120 [30], Hunter 121 [30], Hunter 122 [30], Hunter 123 [32], Te Korokoro 102 [20], Te Korokoro 106 [40], Walsh 4 [24], Walsh 3 [30], Teaching Wing 101 [36], Teaching Wing 102 [42], Teaching Wing 103 [30], Teaching Wing 104 [20], Teaching Wing 105a & 105b [60], Teaching Wing 106 [30], Teaching Wing 201 [36], Teaching Wing 202 [40], Teaching Wing 203 [36], Teaching Wing 205 [25]
0 - 19 $55 $28 Hunter G02 [16], Hunter G03 [16], Hunter G07 [16], Hunter G08 [16], Hunter G12 [16], Hunter G13 [16], Hunter G15 [16], Hunter 102 [15], Hunter 103 [15], Hunter 105 [15], Hunter 106 [15], Hunter 108 [15], Hunter 109 [15], Hunter 111 [15], Richardson 7C12 [18], Te Korokoro G08 [16], Te Korokoro G01 [12]
Flat rate
Castle Backstage and/or kitchen, St David Lecture Theatre mezzanine, UOCE Drama Centre Kitchen and/or dressing room

Please see the Lecture Theatres and Seminar Rooms page for further information about lecture theatres, including the equipment available, or click on the appropriate theatre links above.

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