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Please contact the Global Studies co-ordinator for course advice and guidance on developing a programme that suits you.

Global Studies director | Kaituitui Mātai Ao

Professor Paola Voci

Global Studies associate academic staff

The people who coordinate or contribute to the teaching of GLBL papers:

Associate Professor Antonie Alm
Dr Moira Fortin Fortego
Dr Sin Wen Lau
Dr Christiane Leurquin
Associate Professor Cecilia Novero
Associate Professor Tiffany Trotman
Professor Paola Voci
Dr Lorraine Wong

Global Studies representatives in other academic programmes at Otago

The people who are your contacts for specific subjects and papers:

Classics (CLAS papers)

Associate Professor Sean McConnell, Classics

Education (EDUC papers)

Professor Karen Nairn, College of Education

English and Linguistics (ENGL and LING papers)

Professor David Ciccoricco, English and Linguistics

Geography (GEOG and ENVI papers)

Professor Nicolas Cullen, School of Geography

History (HIST papers)

Professor Mark Seymour, History

International Business (MANT papers)

Virginia Cathro, Department of Management

Law (LAWS papers)

Dr Simon Connell, Faculty of Law

Languages and Cultures (CHIN, FREN, GERM, JAPA, SPAN papers)

Dr Sin Wen Lau, Languages and Cultures

Media, Film and Communication (MFCO papers)

Professor Catherine Fowler, Media, Film and Communication

Philosophy (PHIL papers)

Professor Michael LeBuffe, Philosophy

Politics (POLS papers)

Associate Professor James Headly, Politics

Religion (RELS papers)

Professor Ben Schonthal, Religion

School of Performing Arts (MUSI, PERF and THEA papers)

Professor Henry Johnson, School of Performing Arts

Social Anthropology (ANTH papers)

Professor Ruth Fitzgerald, Social Anthropology

Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology (SOCI and GEND papers)

Dr John Wei Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology

Te Tumu – School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies (MAOR and PACI papers)

Paia Taani, Te Tumu


Revd Professor Christopher Holmes, Theology

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