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Please note: the following table is provided only as an example. You must contact the Global Studies co-ordinator to work out your own individual programme.

Food security

Bachelor of Arts and Science, double major in Global Studies and Food Science

Ashley – Food safety and quality specialist

Ashley wants to work in the field of food security. She speaks German and is interested in learning Chinese as her third language.

Papers legend

Core Global


Approved regional and career pathways

Other: Major in Food Science

Year Core Global Language-acquisition Regional and career pathways Major in Food Science
1 GLBL 101
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
CHIN 131
Introductory Chinese 1
CHIN 132
Introductory Chinese 2
Ethical Issues
Big Picture
FOSC 111
Food Principles
CHEM 191
The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health
FOSC 112
Introduction to Food Marketing
CELS 191
Cell and Molecular
2 GLBL 201
Cultures of the Environment
CHIN 231
Intermediate Chinese 1
CHIN 232
Intermediate Chinese 2
ASIA 101
Introduction to Asia
Regional Focus
STAT 110
Statistical Methods
FOSC 201
Food Systems 1
FOSC 202
Food Systems 2
3 CHIN 334
Advanced Chinese 1
CHIN 335
Advanced Chinese 2
POLS 104
International Relations Introduction
ASIA 202
Special Topic: Global China
FOSC 301
Food Chemistry, Structure and Function
MICR 221
Microbes to Medicine
FOSC 213
Sensory Science
4 GLBL 303
Applied Research Project
SOCI 319
The Global Politics of Food
ASIA 301
Topics in Asian Studies
FOSC 311
Food Product Development
FOSC 302
Food Preservation and Processing
MICR 331
Food Microbiology
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