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Course planning template

Here is the course planning template, followed by links to example tables for different major, minor and degree combinations.

Please note: the following tables are provided only as examples. You must contact the Global Studies co-ordinator to work out your own individual programme.

Papers legend

Core Global

Language and cultural competency

Approved regional and career pathways


Year Global Studies major Second major Minor Interest
Core Global Language and cultural competency Regional and career pathways
1 GLBL 101
2 GLBL 201/301 GLBL 202/302
3 GLBL 303 or HUMS 301

Core Global papers

GLBL 101
Introduction to Intercultural Communication

GLBL 201
Cultures of the Environment

GLBL 202
A World of Stories: Global Stories Telling in the Digital Age

GLBL 301
Cultures of the Environment (Advanced)

GLBL 302
A World of Stories: Global Stories Telling in the Digital Age (Advanced)

GLBL 303
Applied Research Project

Language and cultural competency papers

  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Te reo Māori

Approved papers


  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Pacific

Career pathways

  • Communication
  • Creative industries
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Government and public administration
  • Human security
  • Teaching and learning

Example 1: Environment and sustainability

Amber – Environmental policy analyst

Table 1 – Major in Global Studies, minor in Environmental Management

Example 2: Teaching and learning

Jasmine – English teacher in Japan

Table 2 – Major in Global Studies, minor in Linguistics (TESOL)

Example 3: Human security

Stuart – Health and well-being adviser

Table 3 – Major in Global Studies, minor in History

Example 4: Government and public administration

Manawa – Public policy officer

Table 4 – Double major in Global Studies and Māori Studies

Example 5: Food security

Ashley – Food safety and quality specialist

Table 5 – Bachelor of Arts and Science, double major in Global Studies and Food Science

Example 6: Human rights

Max – International human rights lawyer

Table 6 – Double Degree in Global Studies and Law

Example 7: Climate change and the environment

Greta – Climate change policy specialist

Table 7 – Major in Global Studies, minor in Environmental Management

Example 8: From student exchange to work overseas

Mei – International co-ordinator

Table 8 – Major in Global Studies

Example 9: Creative industries and services

Jack – Videographer, video producer

Major in Global Studies, minor in Science Communication

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