Journal - Research Article
Novero, C. (2023). Striking (up) interspecies collaborations with crows and falcons. Junctures, 23, 85-106. doi: 10.34074/junc.23007
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Novero, C. (2022). Amicizie particolari e toccanti: L'arte di creare in collaborazione con falchi e corvi [Striking multispecies friendships: Creative collaborations with crows and hawks]. Proceedings of the Tenth Convegno Societa Italiana Antropologia Applicata (SIAA). (pp. 84-87). Retrieved from http://www.antropologiaapplicata.com/x-convegno-siaa-2022/
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2021). Spirited away! Distilling avant-garde art. In Korpys/Löffler/Schmal, K. Bremen, F. Gonella & N. Quante (Eds.), Korpys/Löffler/Schmal: Geist. (pp. 47-76). Bremen, Germany: nomen nominandum buch.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2021, November). Passionate entanglements, fatal attractions: Fiction in science/science in fiction in Berlin's Natural History Museum. Verbal presentation at the Centre for the Book Symposium: "Natural" History, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2021, September). To look at art with a dog's nose or learning to smell in the company of ghosts.... Dunedin School of Art Lunchtime Research Seminar Programme, [Online]. [Research Presentation].
Novero, C. (2021, June). To look at art with a dog's nose: Learning to distill the materiality of (invisible) ghosts. Invited lecture as part of "Smell it! The fragrance of art" project at Künstlerhaus Bremen, Germany, [Online]. [Public Seminar].
Edited Book - Research
Novero, C. (Ed.). (2020). Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 402p. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id424
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2020). The GDR: Thirty years on, incidentally. In C. Novero (Ed.), Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. (pp. iii-xlviii). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id426
Chapter in Book - Other
Novero, C. (2020). A tête-à-tête about Willenbrock Christoph Hein and Cecilia Novero in conversation (2008). In C. Novero (Ed.), Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. (pp. 141-173). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id433
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2019). Cuisine. In G. Berghaus (Ed.), Handbook of international futurism. (pp. 116-128). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Novero, C. (2019). Captive ghosts, im/mobile animals: Filming natural history. Proceedings of the Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) Conference: Decolonizing Animals. (pp. 83). Retrieved from https://aasa2019.org
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2019, June). A cosmopolitics of grievable bodies: Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000). Verbal presentation at the 26th International Conference of Europeanists: Sovereignties in Contention, Madrid, Spain.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2019, February). A cosmopolitics of grievable bodies: Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000). Lecture co-hosted by the Department of Germanic Studies and Department of Moving Image Arts, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. [Research Presentation].
Novero, C. (2019, February). The radical vulnerability of agency: Grievability in Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000) [Invited lecture]. Co-hosted by the German Department and the Cinema Studies Program, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA. [Research Presentation].
Novero, C. (2019, February). Interdisciplinary and public humanities: How to make thinking matter in everyday life [Invited lecture]. Postcolonial Performances and Questions, Department of English and the Graduate Program in American Studies, Rutgers University, Newark, USA. [Invited Presentation].
Novero, C. (2019, February). Aging in the age of the Chthulucene: Spoerri's fossils and monsters. Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. [Research Presentation].
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2018, October). Take a walk on the wild side: Spoerri's collaborations in and with nature. Verbal presentation at the Topographies de Daniel Spoerri: l'artiste en ses réseaux [Daniel Spoerri's Topographies: Networks of Exchange], Paris, France.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2018, October). Daniel Spoerris Eat-Art installationen [Invited lecture]. Dipartimento di lingue e letterature straniere e culture moderne [Department of Foreign Languages, Literature and Modern Cultures], University of Turin, Turin, Italy. [Invited Presentation].
Edited Book - Research
Novero, C., Obermayer, A., & Barton, P. (Eds.). (2017). Of rocks, mushrooms and animals: Material ecocriticism in German-speaking cultures [Otago German Studies vol. 28]. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 225p. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol28id362
Novero, C., Obermayer, A., & Barton, P. (Eds.). (2017). Of rocks, mushrooms and animals: Material ecocriticsm in German-speaking cultures. Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Languages and Cultures, University of Otago, 225p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2017). Echoes of ecocriticism: An introduction. In C. Novero, A. Obermayer & P. Barton (Eds.), Of rocks, mushrooms and animals: Material ecocriticism in German-speaking cultures [Otago German Studies vol. 28]. (pp. 7-40). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol28id362
Chapter in Book - Other
Novero, C. (2017). Artists and friends: Daniel Spoerri's eat art gallery. In S. Bottinelli & M. d'Ayala Valva (Eds.), The taste of art: Cooking, food, and counterculture in contemporary practices. (pp. 191-210). Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press.
Journal - Research Article
Novero, C. (2017). Art in the archives of natural history: The temporalities of Spoerri's Ein Inkompetenter Dialog? Seminar, 53(3), 251-274. doi: 10.3138/seminar.53.3.05
Journal - Research Other
Novero, C. (2017). Tom Denlinger's more-than-human photography [Interview]. Antennae, 41, 6-24.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2017, November). Photographic land-marks in Christoph Hein's Der fremde Freund. Verbal presentation at the Borders of the Visible Conference: Intersections between Literature and Philosophy, Turin, Italy.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2017, Decemeber). Daniel Spoerri's art and its relation to natural history. Department of History, Kassel University, Kassel, Germany. [Research Presentation].
Other - Edited Journal
Aloi, G., Brower, M., & Novero, C. (Eds.). (2017). Antennae, 41 [Special issue: Exposing Animals, Part 2]. [Guest Editors].
Aloi, G., Brower, M., & Novero, C. (Eds.). (2017). Antennae, 40 [Special issue: Exposing Animals, Part 1]. [Guest Editors].
Journal - Research Other
Novero, C. (2016). Interview with Mustafa Sabbagh [Interview]. Antennae, 38(1), 77-93.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2016, October). Daniel Spoerri's art of natural history: Ein inkompetenter Dialog? Verbal presentation at the Art and Future Symposium: Energy, Climate, Culture, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Novero, C. (2016, November-December). No clash, only bodies that grieve and grievable bodies (Haneke's Code Unknown). Verbal presentation at the German Studies Association of Australia (GSAA) Conference: Cosmopolitan Imaginings in the German-Speaking World, Canberra, Australia.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2016, May). Daniel Spoerri's art of natural history: Ein inkompetenter Dialog? Department of Languages and Cultures Research Seminar Series, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Novero, C. (2016, September). Phantasmagorias and awakenings in Borderland Europe: Christoph Hochhäusler's Film: This Very Momemnt. Department of Languages and Cultures Research Seminar Series, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2015). Bear images: Human performativity and animal touch in Grizzly Man. In M. Lawrence & L. McMahon (Eds.), Animal life & the moving image. (pp. 238-253). London, UK: Palgrave.
Novero, C. (2015). Eat art and fluxus. In G. Celant (Ed.), Arts & foods: Rituals since 1851. (pp. 596-613). Milan, Italy: Electa.
Journal - Research Article
Novero, C. (2015). Following in the tracks of a dog: "The Beggarwoman of Locarno" revisited. German Studies Review, 38(3), 491-508. doi: 10.1353/gsr.2015.0123
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2015, November). Recollecting in natural museums: Spoerri and other artists in Vienna. Keynote presentation at the Aotearoa New Zealand Human-Animal Studies Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Novero, C. (2015, October). Re-collecting in natural history museums: Art meets the zoological ark/archive (Vienna and Berlin). Verbal presentation at the 39th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association (GSA), DC, USA.
Journal - Research Article
Radner, H., & Novero, C. (2014). From hypnosis to animals by Raymond Bellour: Introduction. Cinema Journal, 53(3), 2-8.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2014, January). Zooming in on Accaio: Pirandello and German cinema. Verbal presentation at the Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Journal - Research Article
Novero, C. (2013). Posthuman animals and the avant-garde: The case of Daniel Spoerri. Antennae, 26, 59-77.
Novero, C. (2013). Birds on air: Sally Ann McIntyre's radio art. Antennae, 27, 31-44.
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2012). Daniel Spoerri's Carnival of animals. In J. B. Landes, P. Y. Lee & P. Youngquist (Eds.), Gorgeous beasts: Animal bodies in historical perspective. (pp. 151-166). University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Novero, C. (2012). Eat Art Multiples: Daniel Spoerri and friends. Proceedings of the Art & Food Symposium. Retrieved from http://www.otago.ac.nz/foodscience/pdfs/foodandartprogramme.pdf
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2012, January). History as eaten by the neo-avant-garde. Verbal presentation at the 127th Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention: Language, Literature, Learning, Seattle, WA.
Novero, C. (2012, January). For the love of animals: Companion-species stories and posthumanist history in Haushofer, Lange-Müller, and Kronauer. Verbal presentation at the 127th Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention: Language, Literature, Learning, Seattle, WA.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Novero, C. (2011). Film adaptation as collective enunciation on post-wall GDR literature and film: The case of the two Willenbrock(s). In E. Todd, C. Da Gama, E. Pullar & H. Radner (Eds.), Creative Imitations and Appropriations: From Cinematic Adaptations to Re-makes Research Colloquium: Selected Refereed Papers. (pp. 31-37). Dunedin, New Zealand: Centre for Research on National Identity. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Novero, C. (2011). Facing animals on screen: Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man (2005). Proceedings of the Screen Cultures Conference. Retrieved from http://www.otago.ac.nz/languagescultures/screencultures.html
Novero, C. (2011). Adaptation as palimpsest of collective memories. In E. Todd (Ed.), Creative Imitations and Appropriations: From Cinematic Adaptations to Re-makes: Research Colloquium: Programme and Refereed Abstracts. (pp. 10-11). Dunedin, New Zealand: Centre for Research on National Identity, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2011, July). Reworking the anthropological machine: Herzog's Grizzly Man (2005). Verbal presentation at the 4th Biennial Australian Animal Studies Group Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Novero, C. (2011, November-December). Bear images: Herzog's Grizzly Man (2005) and animal representation in film. Verbal presentation at the German Studies Association of Australia (GSAA) Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Novero, C. (2011, February). Adaptation as palimpsest of collective memories. Verbal presentation at the University of Otago Cultures, Histories and Identities in Film, Media and Literature Research Network Colloquium: Creative Imitations and Appropriations: From Cinematic Adaptations to Re-makes, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2011, November). Facing animals in recent art: An addendum to Jenny Gillam's dog Frank. Blue Oyster Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Public Seminar].
Authored Book - Research
Novero, C. (2010). Antidiets of the avant-garde: From futurist cooking to eat art. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 368p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Novero, C. (2010). Miralda: Turning the tables. In M. Rodriguez & A. Múgica (Eds.), Miralda: De gustibus non disputandum. (pp. 59-69). Madrid, Spain: La Fábrica Editorial.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2010, June). The braided colors of Miralda's bread: How food empowers art. Verbal presentation at the Food, Power & Meaning in the Middle East and the Mediterranean International Conference, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Novero, C. (2010, June). Working through the European map with the cinema. Verbal presentation at the European Network for Cinema & Media Studies Conference: Urban Mediations, Istanbul, Turkey.
Novero, C. (2010, September). Of animals, silence, and noise: The power of powerlessness in Kleist's Other language. Verbal presentation at the Kleist and Modernity International Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2009, July). Futurism biting its tail? Cooking and eating with Marinetti and Fillia. Verbal presentation at the Back to the Futurists Conference: Avant-gardes 1909-2009, London, UK.
Novero, C. (2009, April). Walter Benjamin eats Borsch: Figuring the avant-garde. Verbal presentation at the University of Otago Russian Studies Research Cluster Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Novero, C. (2008). Timeout in post-wall Germany: Christian Petzold's Yella and the phantoms of late capitalism. In C. Miller (Ed.), Proceedings of the Film and History Conference: Film and Science: Fiction, Documentaries, and Beyond. [CD-ROM] Oshkosh, WI: Center for the Study of Film and History, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2008, October-November). Timeout in post-wall Germany: Christian Petzoid's Yella and the phantoms of late capitalism. Verbal presentation at the Film & History Conference, Chicago, IL.
Journal - Research Article
Novero, C. (2007). Class and gender anxieties in Weimar nutritional discourse: Max Rubner's Volksernährung. Journal of Popular Culture, 40(1), 109-146.
Novero, C. (2007). Painful painting and brutal ecstasy: The material actions of Günter Brus and Otto Muehl. Seminar, 43(4), 453-468.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2007, December). Benjamin's materialist surrealism: Cannibalizing Breton, Dalí, and others. Verbal presentation at the 123rd Modern Languages Association (MLA) Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Novero, C. (2007, October). Adopting adaptation again: The memory of the cinema. Verbal presentation at the 31st Annual Conference of the German Studies Association (GSA), San Diego, CA.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Novero, C. (2006, March). Carnival of animals. Verbal presentation at the American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting: The Human and its Others, Princeton, NJ.
Novero, C. (2006, September-October). Laboring specters in post-communist European film. Verbal presentation at the 30th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association (GSA), Pittsburgh, PA.
Other Research Output
Novero, C. (2006, September). Bodyanalysis: Violence as vulnerability: Günter Brus's surgical art. Primal Secretions: A Günter Brus Retrospective Lecture, Slought Foundation, Philadelphia, PA. [Public Seminar].