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Authored Book - Research

Fortin Cornejo, M. S. (2023). Rapa Nui theatre: Staging indigenous identities in Easter Island. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 226p. doi: 10.4324/9781003293866

Starrs, R. (2023). The paradoxes of Japan's cultural identity: Modernity and tradition in Japanese literature, art, politics and religion. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 324p. doi: 10.2307/jj.7616637

Yanez Leal, A. L. (2021). Modalidades discursivas en el género del realismo social latinoamericano: Estudio pragmático y socio-crítico. Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang, 184p.

Barton, P., & Obermayer, A. (2020). Briefe einer Antifaschistin: Marianne Angermann an ihre Eltern, Antifaschisten in Deutschland (seit ihrer Übersiedlung nach Spanien vom 22. Dezember 1935 bis 14. Juli 1936) Heft 1/Letters of an antifascist: Marianne Angermann to her parents, antifascists in Germany (from her move to Spain on 22nd December 1935 until 14th July 1936) Journal 1 [Otago German Studies vol. 29]. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 260p. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol29id399

Lau, S. W. (2020). Overseas Chinese Christians in contemporary China: Religion, mobility, and belonging. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 154p.

Yanez Leal, A. L. (2019). Vinculaciones y desencuentros de la novela latinoamericana contemporánea. Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang, 164p. doi: 10.3726/b15003

Edited Book - Research

Patman, R. G., Grace, P., Kiglics, B., & Wesselbaum, D. (Eds.). (2024). New Zealand's foreign policy under the Jacinda Ardern Government: Facing the challenge of a disrupted world. Singapore: World Scientific, 285p. doi: 10.1142/13646

Chen, S.-W. S., & Lau, S. W. (Eds.). (2023). Representations of children and success in Asia: Dream chasers. New York, NY: Routledge, 276p. doi: 10.4324-9781003301370

Patman, R. G., Köllner, P., & Kiglics, B. (Eds.). (2022). From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific: Diplomacy in a contested region. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 353p. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7007-7

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (Ed.). (2021). Walking the Camino de Santiago: Essays on pilgrimage in the twenty-first century. Jefferson, CA: McFarland, 247p.

Novero, C. (Ed.). (2020). Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, 402p. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id424

Chapter in Book - Research

Wong, L. (2024). Poetics of loss in Esperanto: Mao Zifu writes in his wheelchair. In C. S. G. Lau & K. K. Y. Chan (Eds.), The poetics of grief and melancholy in East-West conflicts and reconciliations. (pp. 117-135). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-9821-0_8

Alm, A. (2023). Engaging with L2 Netflix: Two in(tra)formal learning trajectories. In D. Toffoli, G. Socket & M. Kusyk (Eds.), Language learning and leisure: Informal language learning in the digital age. (pp. 379-408). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110752441-016

Alm, A. (2023). Lockdown with La Casa de Papel: From social isolation to social engagement with language. In K. Sadeghi, M. Thomas & F. Ghaderi (Eds.), Technology-enhanced language teaching and learning: Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. (pp. 121-135). London, UK: Bloomsbury.

Chen, S.-W. S., & Lau, S. W. (2023). Disappearing girls: Gendered success and the reproduction of the Singapore family in Jack Neo's films. In S.-W. S. Chen & S. W. Lau (Eds.), Representations of children and success in Asia: Dream chasers. (pp. 98-110). New York, NY: Routledge. doi: 10.4324-9781003301370_9

Chen, S.-W. S., & Lau, S. W. (2023). Dreams of success: Young people, agency, values, and citizenship in Asia. In S.-W. S. Chen & S. W. Lau (Eds.), Representations of children and success in Asia: Dream chasers. (pp. 1-16). New York, NY: Routledge. doi: 10.4324-9781003301370_1

Fortin, M., Metcalfe, R., & Clery, T. N. (2022). Embodied feminist resistance in Chile: Colectivo LASTESIS create resonance with un violador en tu Camino: A rapist in your path. In E. Tilley (Ed.), Creative activism research, pedagogy and practice. (pp. 433-462). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Kiglics, B. (2022). Japan's Asia-Pacific diplomacy in the twenty-first century: Empty rhetoric or a new paradigm? In R. G. Patman, P. Köllner & B. Kiglics (Eds.), From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific: Diplomacy in a contested region. (pp. 115-142). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7007-7_6

Köllner, P., Patman, R. G., & Kiglics, B. (2022). From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific: Diplomacy in an emerging strategic space. In R. G. Patman, P. Köllner & B. Kiglics (Eds.), From Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific: Diplomacy in a contested region. (pp. 1-27). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7007-7_1

Nkomo, L. M., & Alm, A. (2022). Sentiment analysis: Capturing chatbot experiences of informal language learners. In B. Zou, M. Thomas, D. Barr & W. Jia (Eds.), Emerging concepts in technology-enhanced language teaching and learning. (pp. 215-231). IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8981-6.ch011

Starrs, R. (2022). D. T. Suzuki's theory of inspiration and the challenges of cross-cultural transmission. In J. Breen, S. Fumihiko & Y. Shōji (Eds.), Beyond Zen: D. T. Suzuki and the modern transformation of Buddhism. (pp. 225-246). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i Press.

Alm, A. (2021). Apps for informal autonomous language learning: An autoethnography. In C. Fuchs, M. Hauck & M. Dooly (Eds.), Language education in digital spaces: Perspectives on autonomy and interaction. (pp. 201-223). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-74958-3_10

Fortin Cornejo, M. S. (2021). Permeating the boundaries of 'tradition' in the creation of contemporary rapanui, Māori, and diasporic samoan theatre. In R. E. Rinehart, J. Kidd & K. N. Barbour (Eds.), Ethnographic borders and boundaries: Permeability, plasticity, and possibilities. (pp. 47-73). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang.

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (2021). Introduction: Beyond pilgrimage. In T. Gagliardi Trotman (Ed.), Walking the Camino de Santiago: Essays on pilgrimage in the twenty-first century. (pp. 1-5). Jefferson, CA: McFarland. [Contribution].

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (2021). Screening the Camino de Santiago: Suffering and communitas in The Way and I'll push you. In T. Gagliardi Trotman (Ed.), Walking the Camino de Santiago: Essays on pilgrimage in the twenty-first century. (pp. 69-88). Jefferson, CA: McFarland.

Novero, C. (2021). Spirited away! Distilling avant-garde art. In Korpys/Löffler/Schmal, K. Bremen, F. Gonella & N. Quante (Eds.), Korpys/Löffler/Schmal: Geist. (pp. 47-76). Bremen, Germany: nomen nominandum buch.

Wong, L. (2021). Encounters between Esperanto and Chinese: Julio Baghy, Ba Jin, and Armand Su. In I. Koutny, I. Stria & M. Farris (Eds.), The intercultural role of Esperanto [Interkultura rolo de Esperanto / Międzykulturowa rola esperanta]. (pp. 49-64). Poznań, Polland: Wydawnictwo Rys. doi: 10.48226/978-83-66666-31-3

Yánez Leal, A. (2021). El exilio, juego de la memoria, en Una isla, de Rafael Cadenas [The exile, memory game, on an island, by Rafael Cadenas]. In L. L. Fernández & L. Mora-Ballesteros (Eds.), Transgresiones en las letras iberoamericanas: Visiones del lenguaje poético [Transgressions in Iberoamerican letters: Visions of contemporary poetic language]. (pp. 189-206). Los Angeles, CA: Argus-α.

Alm, A. (2020). 2.9 L2 chat for semi-formal and informal language learning. In J.-B. Son (Ed.), Technology-enhanced language teaching in action. (pp. 52-55). Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Retrieved from

Barton, P. (2020). East Germany, March 1990: Eine Schubladenreportage. In C. Novero (Ed.), Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. (pp. 15-64). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id429

Barton, P. (translator) (2020). "You won't get my remorse": Laila Stieler talks with Maxi Leinkauf [Translation]. In C. Novero (Ed.), Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. (pp. 114-140). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id432

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (2020). Heroes and heroínas: Teaching myths and legends through Hispanic culture. In P. Ananth & L. T. Lyons (Eds.), Incorporating foreign language content in humanities courses. (pp. 149-159). Abingdon, England: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429325151

Novero, C. (2020). The GDR: Thirty years on, incidentally. In C. Novero (Ed.), Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. (pp. iii-xlviii). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id426

Starrs, R. (2020). Mishima, Bowie and the anti-metaphysics of the mask. In J. Curcio (Ed.), Masks: Bowie and artists of artifice. (pp. 74-92). Bristol, UK: Intellect Books.

Starrs, R. (2020). Suzuki Daisetsu no reikanron: Bunka o koeta dentatsu ni idomu. In Y. Shoji & J. Breen (Eds.), Suzuki Daisetsu: Zeno koete. (pp. 329-358). Kyoto: Shibunkaku.

Ueyama, A., & Hayashishita, J.-R. (2020). Sentence structure and quantifier scope in Japanese: A retrospective and reanalysis. In W. M. Jacobsen & Y. Takubo (Eds.), Handbook of Japanese semantics and pragmatics. (pp. 267-308). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. doi: 10.1515/9781614512073-005

Voci, P. (2020). Alternative ways of seeing: Post-digital detours in Chinese cinema. In S. H. Lim & J. Ward (Eds.), The Chinese cinema book. (2nd ed.) (pp. 258-268). London, UK: Bloomsbury.

Wong, L. (2020). Linguistic nationalism and its discontents: Chinese Latinisation and its practice of equality. In W. Christie, A. Dunstan & Q. S. Tong (Eds.), Tribute and trade: China and global modernity, 1784-1935. (pp. 273-302). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.

Alm, A., & Daniel, B. (2019). Student engagement with mobile language apps in blended learning environments: Perspectives from university language students. In A. Palalas (Ed.), Blended language learning: International perspectives on innovative practice. (pp. 182-220). China Central Radio & TV University Press.

Novero, C. (2019). Cuisine. In G. Berghaus (Ed.), Handbook of international futurism. (pp. 116-128). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.

Ryan, S. (2019). Cosmopolitanism, gnosis and longue durée in Gerhard Roth’s Egyptian novel Der Strom (2002). In A. Lewis, K. Sutton & C. Weller (Eds.), Kosmopolitische Gedankenwelten / Cosmopolitan Imaginings. (pp. 209-221). Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann.

Song, J. J. (2019). Language education policy in North Korea. In A. Kirkpatrick & A. J. Liddicoat (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of language education policy in Asia. (pp. 124-136). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315666235

Chapter in Book - Other

Alm, A., & Nkomo, L. M. (2022). Chatbot experiences of informal language learners: A sentiment analysis. In Research anthology on implementing sentiment analysis across multiple disciplines. (pp. 933-948). IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6303-1.ch050

Barton, P. (2021). Preface by L. Mora-Ballesteros [Translation]. In A. L. Yanez Leal (Ed.), Modalidades discursivas en el género del realismo social latinoamericano: Estudio pragmático y socio-crítico. (pp. 13-17). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang.

Novero, C. (2020). A tête-à-tête about Willenbrock Christoph Hein and Cecilia Novero in conversation (2008). In C. Novero (Ed.), Imperfect Recall: Re-collecting the GDR [Otago German Studies vol. 30]. (pp. 141-173). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. doi: 10.11157/ogs-vol30id433

Journal - Research Article

Alm, A., & Ohashi, L. (2024). A worldwide study on language educators' initial response to ChatGPT. Technology in Language Teaching & Learning, 6(1). doi: 10.29140/tltl.v6n1.1141

Fortin, M. (2024). From the head to the heart: A less-than-orthodox means for foreign language teaching and learning through theatre practice. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 30(1). doi: 10.59690/xu03521

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2023). Integrating ChatGPT in language education: A Freirean perspective. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 11(3), 19-30. doi: 10.30466/ijltr.2023.121404

Hayashishita, J.-R., & Ueyama, A. (2023). The indirect passive in Japanese is a mono-clausal phenomenon. Annali di Ca' Foscari, 57, 29-56. doi: 10.30687/AnnOc/2499-1562/2023/11/002

Novero, C. (2023). Striking (up) interspecies collaborations with crows and falcons. Junctures, 23, 85-106. doi: 10.34074/junc.23007

Voci, P. (2023). Para-animation in practice and theory: The animateur, the embodied gesture and enchantment. Animation, 18(1), 23-41. doi: 10.1177/17468477231155543

Voci, P. (2023). Re-animating the vanishing woman: From invisible labour to embodied gesture [Video essay and text]. [in]Transition / Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 10(3). Retrieved from

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2022). Online machine translation for L2 writing across languages and proficiency levels. Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5(3), 135-157. doi: 10.29140/ajal.v5n3.53si3

Lovelock, B., Yanata, K., Seto, Y., & Yamaguchi, M. (2022). Societal factors influencing hunting participation decline in Japan: An exploratory study of two prefectures. Society & Natural Resources, 35(2), 149-166. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2021.2006843

Stone, B. M. (2022). Francophobia in the Antipodes: France's grab for the New Hebrides and the Dreyfus Affair in New Zealand newspapers. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 34, 19-35. doi: 10.26686/jnzs.iNS34.7667

Voci, P. (2022). This is not reality (Ceci n’est pas la réalité): Capturing the imagination of the people creativity, the Chinese subaltern, and documentary storytelling. Global Storytelling, 1(2), 41-75. doi: 10.3998/gs.1701

Alm, A. (2021). Language learning with Netflix: From extensive to intra-formal learning. Eurocall Review, 29(1), 81-92. doi: 10.4995/eurocall.2021.14276

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2021). Functional caption literacy development through intra-formal L2 viewing. Aula Abierta, 50(2), 635-642. doi: 10.17811/rifie.50.2.2021.635-642

Chen, S.-W. S., & Lau, S. W. (2021). From nation builders to global connectors: Children and China’s BRI propaganda. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 35(1), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2020.1827368

Chen, S.-W. S., & Lau, S. W. (2021). Good Chinese girls and the model minority: Race, education, and community in Girl in Translation and Front Desk. Children's Literature in Education, 52, 291-306. doi: 10.1007/s10583-020-09415-8

Chen, S.-W., & Lau, S. W. (2021). The new Chinese individual: Confronting the divided self in Ne Zha: Birth of the demon child. Asian Studies Review, 45(4), 674-689. doi: 10.1080/10357823.2021.1884647

Feick, D., & Alm, A. (2021). Gruppenarbeit in Zeiten der sozialen Isolation: Zur Nutzung und Wahrnehmung von Breakout-Räumen [Group work in times of social isolation: On the use and perception of breakout rooms]. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 48(5), 516-544. doi: 10.1515/infodaf-2021-0071

Fortin, M. (2021). Creating a graphic transposition of Ibsen's A Doll's House: An interdisciplinary and experimental collaboration between a performer and an illustrator. ArtsPraxis, 8(1), 153-184.

Grigoruţ, C. (2021). De la terreur du Temps dans le théâtre de Samuel Beckett. Meridian Critic, 37(2), 303-311.

Grigoruţ, C. (2021). Quelques considérations sur l᾿espace éroludique dans le roman La Rage de Louis Hamelin. Revue Roumaine d'Études Francophones, 13, 141-154.

Stone, B. M. (2021). Confronting the Zola conundrum: New Zealand newspapers respond to the death of Émile Zola. Excavatio, 32, 8. Retrieved from

Stone, B. M. (2021). Émile Zola gets New Zealand booksellers into trouble. Bulletin of the Émile Zola Society, 63, 11-17.

Yanez Leal, A. L., & Mora-Ballesteros, L. (2021). Memoria y fractura social en El ruido de las cosas al caer de Juan Gabriel Vásquez [Memory and social fracture in El ruido de las cosas al caer by Juan Gabriel Vásquez]. Argus-a: Artes & Humanidades, 11(42), 1-15.

Alm, A., & Nkomo, L. M. (2020). Chatbot experiences of informal language learners: A sentiment analysis. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning & Teaching, 10(4), 51-65. doi: 10.4018/IJCALLT.2020100104

Fortin, M. (2020). La re-creación de la 'tradición' en el teatro contemporáneo Māori y diaspórico Samoano en Aotearoa. ¿Una feunte de inspiración para la producción del teatro contemporáneo Rapanui? [The re-creation of 'tradition' in contemporary Māori and diasporic Samoan theatre in Aotearoa: A source of inspiration for the production of contemporary Rapanui theatre?]. Antropologías del Sur, 7(14), 235-260.

Hayashishita, J.-R., Tanaka, D., & Ueyama, A. (2020). A linguistically-informed way of introducing Japanese verbs to second language learners. Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 36(1), 29-72. doi: 10.1515/jjl-2019-2017

Voci, P. (2020). Can the creative subaltern speak? Dafen village painters, Van Gogh, and the politics of 'true art'. Made in China Journal, 5(1), 104-111. Retrieved from

Voci, P. (2019). Activist sinology and accented documentary: China on the (Italian?) internet. Modern Italy, 24(4), 437-456. doi: 10.1017/mit.2019.49

Wong, L. (2019). Cannibalism as method. Prism, 16(2), 346-367. doi: 10.1215/25783491-7978523

Journal - Research Other

Starrs, R. (2022). [Review of the book The awakening of modern Japanese fiction: Path literature and an interpretation of Buddhism]. Eastern Buddhist, 2(2), 91-95. [Book Review].

Lau, S. W. (2021). Traffics of the sacred and the secular: Christianity and citizenship in Asia: Introduction. Social Sciences & Missions, 34, 251-258. doi: 10.1163/18748945-bja10032

Starrs, R. (2021). [Review of the book The rise and fall of modern Japanese literature]. Nihon Kenkyū, 62, 216-218. doi: 10.15055/00007647

Ueyama, A., Hayashishita, J.-R., & Takai, I. (2020). A review of arguments supporting the direct/indirect passive distinction. Bungaku Kenkyu / Studies in Literature, 117, 1-19. doi: 10.15017/2559280

Lau, S. W. (2019). [Review of the book Shanghai sacred: The religious landscape of a global city]. China Review, 19(4), 194-196. [Book Review].

Starrs, R. (2019). [Review of the book The rise and fall of modern Japanese literature]. Japan Review, 34, 238-239. doi: 10.15055/00007424

Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Feick, D., & Alm, A. (2022). Group work in times of social isolation: On the use and perception of breakout rooms [Shortened translation of Feick, D., & Alm, A. (2021). Gruppenarbeit in Zeiten der sozialen Isolation: Zur Nutzung und Wahrnehmung von Breakout-Räumen. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 48(5), 516-544. doi: 10.1515/infodaf-2021-0071]. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 28(1). Retrieved from

Patman, R., Ungor, M., & Kiglics, B. (2022). After APEX, where to on China? Newsroom, (21 November). Retrieved from

Fortin, M., Metcalfe, R., & Clery, T. N. (2021). Representando Resistencia Feminista en Chile: Colectivo LASTESIS Crea Resonancia Global con Un Violador en tu Camino [Embodied feminist resistance in Chile: Colectivo LASTESIS create resonance with un violador en tu Camino: A rapist in your path]. Acotaciones, 46, 15-36.

Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2023). Machine translation in language education: Perspectives from advanced language learners. In B. Bédi, Y. Choubsaz, K. Friðriksdóttir, A. Gimeno-Sanz, S. B. Vilhjálmsdóttir & S. Zahova (Eds.), CALL for all Languages: Short papers from EUROCALL. (pp. 43-47). València, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València. doi: 10.4995/EuroCALL2023.2023.16919

Ohashi, L., & Alm, A. (2023). ChatGPT and language learning: University educators' initial response. In B. Bédi, Y. Choubsaz, K. Friðriksdóttir, A. Gimeno-Sanz, S. B. Vilhjálmsdóttir & S. Zahova (Eds.), CALL for all Languages: Short papers from EUROCALL. (pp. 31-36). València, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València. doi: 10.4995/EuroCALL2023.2023.16917

Alm, A. (2022). Actualizing the affordances of machine translation tools for language learning. In J. Colpaert, Y. Wang & G. Stockwell (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXIst International CALL Research Conference. (pp. 1-6). London, UK: Castledown. doi: 10.29140/9781914291050

Alm, A. (2021). Language learning with Netflix: Extending out-of-class L2 viewing. In M. Chang, N.-S. Chen, D. G. Sampson & A. Tlili (Eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Conference on Advance Learning Technologies (ICALT). (pp. 260-263). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICALT52272.2021.00084

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2021). Online translators for L2 writing: A comparison of student and teacher perspectives. In N. Zoghlami, C. Brudermann, C. Sarré, M. Grosbois, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds.), CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL. (pp. 23-28). doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2021.54.1303

Alm, A., & Ohashi, L. (2020). From self-study to studying the self: A collaborative autoethnography of language educators as informal language learners. In K.-M. Frederiksen, S. Larsen, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds.), CALL for widening participation: Short papers from EUROCALL. (pp. 1-6). doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2020.48.1156

Alm, A. (2019). Piloting Netflix for intra-formal language learning. In F. Meunier, J. Van de Vyver, L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds.), CALL and complexity: Short papers from EUROCALL. (pp. 13-18). doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2019.38.979

Hayashishita, J.-R., & Ueyama, A. (2019). A theory of character representations based on layered objects and two types of the speaker’s introspective judgment: Quantifier scope in Japanese. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 16). Retrieved from

Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Alm, A. (2023). Exploring the role of ChatGPT as a study assistant in a university German language course: A preliminary analysis of student experiences. Proceedings of the Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education (RILAE) 10th LAb Session: Technology In and For Learner Autonomy. L07. Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2023). Minding the mindsets: Fostering growth beliefs for AI-assisted language learning. Proceedings of the Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education (RILAE) 11th LAb Session: Learner Autonomy, Positive Psychology and Well-Being. L11. Retrieved from

Fortin Cornejo, M., & Steagall, M. M. (Translator) (2023). Practice as research: A collective form of activism from a South American perspective. In M. M. Steagall & R. Pouwhare (Eds.), Proceedings of the LINK 5th International Conference in Practice-Oriented Research and Global South. 4(1), (pp. 45-48). Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology. doi: 10.24135/link2022.v4i1.202

Ohashi, L., & Alm, A. (2023). ChatGPT: An initial response from language teachers in Japan. Proceedings of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition: Growth Mindset in Language Education. (pp. 143). Retrieved from

Powell, E., Pasisi, J., Bean, T. M. P., Dziedzic, A., Asafo, D., Bennett, J. L., Fortin, M., … Fa'avae, I. A. (2023). Mapping otherwise realms. Proceedings of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies (AAPS) Conference. (pp. 36-37). Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2022). Confinamiento con La Casa de Pael: Del aislamiento social a la interacción social a través de los blogs. Proceedings of the Seminario de estudios hispanos en Nueva Zelanda (NUHSS). Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2022). Das Google translate dilemma: Online-übersetzer im fremdsprachenunterricht. Proceedings of the German Colloquium / Deutsch Kolloquium. Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2022). Machine translation literacy for language learning. Proceedings of the ALANZ-ALAA-ALTAANZ Conference: Applied Linguistics in the Asia-Pacific Region. (pp. 44). Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2022). Situating machine translation literacy in language education. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Situating Strategy Use (SSU4): Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World. (pp. 46-47). Retrieved from

Alm, A., & Clark, T. (2022). Machine translation literacy for language teachers. Proceedings of the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference. (pp. 45). Retrieved from

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2022). Involucrando al público general en temas de justicia social y de género a través de Un Violador en tu Camino de Colectivo LASTESIS. Proceedings of the Association of Iberian & Latin American Studies of Australasia (AILASA) Conference: Just Futures: Exploring Pathways of Futurity and Justice. (pp. 19). Retrieved from

Fortin, M. (2022). A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: Proverbs for language teaching. Proceedings of the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference. (pp. 67). Retrieved from

Hayashishita, J.-R. (2022). Teaching Japanese verbs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference. (pp. 90). Retrieved from

Knorr, P., Feick, D., & Alm, A. (2022). Emotional trajectories of foreign language learners in virtual exchange projects: A case-study. Proceedings of the ALANZ-ALAA-ALTAANZ Conference: Applied Linguistics in the Asia-Pacific Region. (pp. 78). Retrieved from

Novero, C. (2022). Amicizie particolari e toccanti: L'arte di creare in collaborazione con falchi e corvi [Striking multispecies friendships: Creative collaborations with crows and hawks]. Proceedings of the Tenth Convegno Societa Italiana Antropologia Applicata (SIAA). (pp. 84-87). Retrieved from

Shephard, K., Townsend, S., Allan, A., Luong, H., & Trotman, T. (2022). Student attendance: Before, during and after a pandemic. In E. Heinrich, A. Jolley & L. Rowan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand (TERNZ) Conference. (pp. 66-68). HERDSA Aotearoa/New Zealand. [Abstract]

Yanez, A. (2022). Constructos ficcionales sobre la migración de ciudadanos colombianos hacia Venezuela: una historia no contada. Proceedings of the Association of Iberian & Latin American Studies of Australasia (AILASA) Conference: Just Futures: Exploring Pathways of Futurity and Justice. (pp. 27). Retrieved from

Yanez, A. (2022). La sangre y la esperanza de Nicomedes Guzmán. Proceedings of the Seminario de estudios hispanos en Nueva Zelanda (NUHSS). Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2021). From Cuarderno de Papel to Casa de Papel: Engagement with language in informal learning environments. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Foreign Language Learning (ICFLL): Variety, Diversity and Interdisciplinarity. (pp. 7). Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2021). Netflix for language learning: Individual trajectories in intra-formal L2 viewing. Proceedings of the German Colloquium. Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2021). Netflix for language learning: Individual trajectories in intra-formal L2 viewing. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on L2 Listening (ICLL). (pp. 25). Retrieved from

Barton, P. (2021). Zwei Monologe aus dem langen Zweiten Weltkrieg, 1936-1945: Briefe und Tagebuch von Marianne und Clementine Angermann. Proceedings of the German Colloquium. Retrieved from

Fortin, M., Metcalfe, R., Clery, T., & Troc, R. (2021). From academic journal to graphic novel: Performing feminist resistance in Chile: Colectivo LASTESIS create global resonance with Un Violador en tu Camino [A rapist in your path]. Proceedings of the Contemporary Ethnography Across Disciplines (CEAD) Virtual Hui: Research That Matters. Retrieved from

Voci, P. (2021). The China Story 2.0: Unofficial digital storytellers. Proceedings of the 24th Biennial New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference (NZASIA): Asia: Change, Disruptions and Resilience. (pp. 20). Retrieved from

Voci, P. (2021). The Chinese animateur 2.0: Playful technologies and magical wonders. Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Association for Chinese Animation Studies (ACAS). Retrieved from

Wong, L. (2021). Bonding in and through Esperanto: Julio Baghy, Ba Jin, and Armand Su. Proceedings of the 24th Biennial New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference (NZASIA): Asia: Change, Disruptions and Resilience. (pp. 20-21). Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2020). Lockdown with La Casa de Papel: From social isolation to social engagement with language. Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) Symposium: Teaching to the Times. Retrieved from

Feick, D., & Alm, A. (2020). Participation in virtual learning spaces: Affordances of breakout rooms for language learning. Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) Symposium: Teaching to the Times. Retrieved from

Alm, A. (2019). Chatbots for informal language learning. Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics Conference: Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching: Making Connections. (pp. 25). Retrieved from

Hauck, M., & Alm, A. (2019). Social CALL: Trajectories, turns and trends [Keynote]. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, Q. Ma & J. L. F. King (Eds.), Proceedings of the XX Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Research Conference. (pp. 14). Antwerp, Belgium: Universiteit Antwerpen. [Abstract]

Novero, C. (2019). Captive ghosts, im/mobile animals: Filming natural history. Proceedings of the Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) Conference: Decolonizing Animals. (pp. 83). Retrieved from

Patman, R. G., & Kiglics, B. (2019). US-China rivalry and Japan: Is Tokyo's diplomacy moving beyond constructive ambiguity? Proceedings of the New Zealand Political Studies Association (NZPSA) Conference. Retrieved from

Voci, P. (2019). China's postdigital documentaries: De Certeau 2.0. Proceedings of the 23rd Biennial International Conference of the New Zealand Asian Studies Society (NZASIA). (pp. 62-63). Retrieved from

Yamaguchi, M. (2019). Intertextuality in Japanese post-3.11 fantastical manga. Proceedings of the 23rd Biennial International Conference of the New Zealand Asian Studies Society (NZASIA). (pp. 68). Retrieved from

Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2023, July). Between local expectations, touristic demands and virtual communities: Change and resilience at the annual cultural festival Tapati Rapa Nui. Verbal presentation at the 5th Pacific Islands Universities Research Network (PIURN) Conference, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.

Alm, A. (2022, August). The new reality of Babel Fish: The role of machine translation in language education. Verbal presentation at the EUROCALL: Intelligent CALL, Granular Systems and Learner Data, [Online].

Alm, A. (2022, July). Das Google translate dilemma: Online-übersetzer im fremdsprachenunterricht. Verbal presentation at the Internationales Mediendidaktisches Symposium Deutsch als Fremd-und Zweitsprache, [Online].

Alm, A. (2022, May). Developing machine translation literacy for language education [Invited]. Verbal presentation at the Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) Webinar Series, [Online].

Alm, A. (2022, November). Google translate for language learning: Exploring new paradigms for formal language education. Verbal presentation at the COVID-19’s Impact on Teaching and Learning at the University of Otago: Lessons Learned Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Alm, A. (2022, November). Lockdown with La Casa de Papel: From social isolation to social engagement with language. Verbal presentation at the COVID-19’s Impact on Teaching and Learning at the University of Otago: Lessons Learned Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2022, November). Embracing machine translation in higher education. Verbal presentation at the COVID-19’s Impact on Teaching and Learning at the University of Otago: Lessons Learned Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2022, November-December). Chileans take to the streets again on contemporary issues of social justice and gender: Student movements and the general public perform crises through A Beach for Lavin (2011), Thriller for Education (2011), and A Rapist in Your Path (2019). Verbal presentation at the Performing Global Crises Conference, [Hybrid].

Fortin, M. (2022, June). Going glocal: Rapa Nui storytelling through Tapati Rapa Nui. Verbal presentation at the 10th International Conference on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and the Pacific: Change and Resilience, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Fortin, M. (2022, November). Artes Escénicas en Aotearoa/Nueva Zelanda: Saberes tradicionales en la práctica contemporánea del teatro indígena. Keynote presentation at the XI Reunião Científica da ABRACE: Artes Cênicas na Amazônia: saberes tradicionais, fazeres contemporâneos, [Hybrid].

Fortin, M. (2022, November). Sebastian Englert and the static transfer of oral narratives in Rapa Nui. Verbal presentation at the University of Otago Centre for the Book Symposium: Books and the Pacific, [Hybrid].

Voci, P. (2022, September). Accented and gendered: Redefining diaspora, women's cinema, and Chineseness. Verbal presentation at the Changing Arts, Changing China Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Wong, L. (2022, December). Esperanto, modern communication, and translation. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Modernist Studies Network (AMSN) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.

Alm, A. (2021, April). Subtitle use in L2 viewing. Verbal presentation at the Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL) Webinar, [Online].

Alm, A. (2021, August). Found in translation: The shifting landscape of online translation practices and policies in formal L2 writing. Verbal presentation at the EUROCALL Conference: CALL and Professionalism, [Online].

Alm, A. (2021, August). Neflix for intra-formal language learning [Symposium: Learning through leisure: Informal second language learning in the 21st century]. Verbal presentation at the World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA): The Dynamics of Language, Communication, and Culture in a Changing World, [Online].

Alm, A. (2021, July). Netflix for out-of-class L2 viewing: Individual experiences from German students. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference: Celebrating Excellence in Language Teaching & Learning, Wellington, New Zealand.

Alm, A. (2021, June). Has L2 Netflix binge-watching become a global reality? Exploring "engagement with language" in informal online language learning. Verbal presentation at the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Annual Conference: Global Realities, [Online].

Alm, A. (2021, November). Online machine translation practices and policies in tertiary language education. Verbal presentation at the Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) Symposium: Diverse Approaches in Applied Linguistics: Exploring Perspectives, Building Connections, [Online].

Feick, D., & Alm, A. (2021, November). Fakt oder Fiktion: Zur Partizipation und Konstruktion von sozialer Präsenz im videokonferenzbasierten DaF-Unterricht. Verbal presentation at the German Studies Association of Australia (GSAA) Conference, [Online].

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2021, February). Taller de teatro en español. Verbal presentation at the Spanish Teachers' Association New Zealand Aotearoa (STANZA) Conference: Jornada de Profesores ELE, Auckland, New Zealand.

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2021, October). Toki Rapu Nui: Tallando una nueva identidad territorial a través de la educación musical. Verbal presentation at the IIII Simposio del Comité Nacional Chileno del International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM-Chile): Etnomusicolgía y territorios, [Online].

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2021, October). Transformador Global: la experiencia de aprender del/con el otro: tensiones y posibilidades. Verbal presentation at the 5a Congreso Internacional OtroMundo Una mirada Oriente: Occidente: Perfil Original para una Nueva Humanidad, [Online].

Fortin, M. (2021, July). Blood wedding project: In-class group translation of a Spanish classic. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference: Celebrating Excellence in Language Teaching & Learning, Wellington, New Zealand.

Fortin, M. (2021, November). Palestra de Abertura: Sinergias en la Practica Teatral Indígena Maorí Samoana en Aotearoa/Nueva Zelanda. Verbal presentation at the 5° Seminário de Arte e Educação: Encontros possíveis, [Online].

Fortin, M., Metcalfe, R., & Clery, T. N. (2021, February). Sobre Un Violador en tu Camino de Lastesis. Verbal presentation at the VIII Jornadas de Teatro y Feminismos. Maestras del Teatro: ¡Seguimos Vivas! [Online].

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (2021, June). Have wifi, will travel: Virtual pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago. Verbal presentation at the Pilgrimages and Tourism International Conference, [Online].

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (2021, November). Harnessing the Camino for good: Virtual pilgrimage as a teaching and learning tool. Verbal presentation at the Annual Symposium for Pilgrim Studies: The Changing Nature of Pilgrimage in a Globalizing World, [Online].

Leurquin, C. (2021, July). 1st year University language courses (Otago): What to expect. Workshop presentation at the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Conference: Celebrating Excellence in Language Teaching & Learning, Wellington, New Zealand.

Te Huki, K.-A., Kasarhérou Leurquin, C., & Young, C. (2021, June-July). Diversity in pedagogy. Panel discussion at the 15th Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Hellenic Or Roman Antiquities & Egyptology (AMPHORAE XV): Hindsight is 2020, [Online].

Alm, A. (2020, February). Netflix for intra-formal language learning: From extensive viewing to binge-watching. Verbal presentation at the German Colloquium, Wellington, New Zealand.

Alm, A., & Ohashi, L. (2020, August). From self-study to studying the self. Verbal presentation at the EuroCALL Gathering, [Online].

Barton, P. (2020, February). "Breife einer Antifaschistin": Marianne Angermann's correspondence in the Hocken Library. Verbal presentation at the German Colloquium, Wellington, New Zealand.

Voci, P. (2020, January). The personal is political reloaded: Accented storytelling and activist documentaries. Verbal presentation at the Global Storytelling Symposium, Hong Kong, China.

Alm, A. (2019, November). From Cuaderno de papel to Casa de papel: Exploring Spanish TV-series for language learning. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Hispanic Studies (NHUSS) Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Fortin Cornejo, M. (2019, May). The embodiment of language: Reflections on the use of theatre as a tool to learn a language. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Otago LangSem, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Fortin, M. (2019, August). Workshop 5: Movement and choreography. Workshop presentation at the Tahi: New Zealand Festival of Solo Performance, Wellington, New Zealand.

Fortin, M. (2019, June). Local or touristic? The case of the cultural festival Tapati Rapanui. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (ADSA) Conference: Festivals and Performance, Launceston, Australia.

Fortin, M. (2019, November). Una Carretera de Doble Transito: Un texo, dos idiomas, dos obras. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Hispanic Studies (NHUSS) Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Gagliardi Trotman, T. (2019, November). "Tell me a story...": Teaching and learning Hispanic culture through myths and legends. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Hispanic Studies (NHUSS) Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Hayashishita, J.-R., Takai, I., & Ueyama, A. (2019, November). Two types of passives in Japanese. Verbal presentation at the 7th Japanese Linguistics Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand.

Kiglics, B. (2019, October). US-China rivalry and Japan: Is Tokyo's diplomacy moving beyond constructive ambiguity? Verbal presentation at the Changing Asia 2019: Perspectives on Regional and Global Cooperation, Beijing, China.

Lau, S. W. (2019, November). On a mission to save China: Religious citizenship and overseas Chinese Christian business people in post-1978 Shanghai. Panel discussion at the SEASIA Biennial Conference: Change and Resistance: Future Directions of Southeast Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.

Novero, C. (2019, June). A cosmopolitics of grievable bodies: Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000). Verbal presentation at the 26th International Conference of Europeanists: Sovereignties in Contention, Madrid, Spain.

Ueyama, A., & Hayashishita, J.-R. (2019, November). Kansetu ukemibun no tanbunkoozoobunseki [The mono-clause analysis of indirect passives]. Verbal presentation at the 159th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Nagoya, Japan.

Voci, P. (2019, October). Postdigital subaltern China: Online activist practices, accented encounters, and the reappearance of concern. Verbal presentation at the Internet In China: A Symposium, Columbia, USA.

Wong, L. C. M. (2019, March). Language matters in global communism: Antonio Gramsci, VN Vološinov, and Qu Qiubai. Panel discussion at the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Denver, USA.

Yánez Leal, A. (2019, November). Identidades de género y roles sociales en Sexulidad de la Pantera Rosa de Efraim Medina. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Hispanic Studies (NHUSS) Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.


Fortin, M. (director) (2021, 19 December). Mexican Pastorela: Dos Pastores a Belén corren presurosos, llevan de tanto correr los zapatos rotos, presented by the Merequetengue Theatre Group, Fairfield Community Hall, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Fortin, M. (performer) (2019, 24 August). The Motorway, at TAHI, the New Zealand Festival of Solo Performance, based on the short story The Southern Thruway by Julio Cortázar, BATS Theatre, Wellington, New Zealand. [Performance].

Huber, R. (director), Fortin, M. (performer), & Kalogeropoulou, S. (choreographer) (2019, 15 November). La Panamericana, based on the short story La Autopista del Sur by Julio Cortázar. Performed at the joint New Zealand Hispanic Studies Seminar (NHUSS) & Leap Dance Symposium, Allen Hall Theatre, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Performance].

Creative Work

Grigoruţ, C. (2020). Nepăsătoare, Dunărea curgea [The Danube was carelessly flowing]. Bucovina Literară, XXXI(10-12). [Short Story].

Grigoruţ, C. (2020). Ningea din cer peste umbre [The snow was falling on shadows]. Bucovina Literară, XXXI(1-3). [Short Story].

Grigoruţ, C. (2020). O zi de octombrie, demult, în Bucureşti [A day in October, long ago, in Bucharest]. Bucovina Literară, XXXI(4-6). [Short Story].

Other Research Output

Alm, A. (2023, November). AI in language education. Department of English Language and Cultures, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan. [Invited Presentation].

Hayashishita, J.-R. & Ueyama, A. (2022, November). Discourse anaphora and the computational system. Invited talk for the C02 and C08 Projects, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. [Invited Presentation].

Hayashishita, J.-R. (2022, November). Discourse anaphora and the computational system. Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Universitá Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy. [Department Seminar].

Hayashishita, J.-R., & Yeuama, A. (2022, November). Two types of the speaker's introspective judgments: A case study of quantifier scope in Japanese. Invited talk for the C02 and C08 Projects, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. [Invited Presentation].

Voci, P. (2022, August). This is not an IPL: "Lightness" and the survival of open societies. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].

Wong, L. (2022, November). Entering history through translation: Qu Qiubai and the Chinese script. New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation Jean Anderson Annual Lecture, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].

Wong, L. (2022, September). Becoming history: Qu Qiubai and the Chinese script. Chinese Studies Centre, University of Sydney webinar. [Invited Presentation].

Barton, P. (2021, June). From Dresden to Dunedin via Madrid: Marianne Angermann and Franz Bielschowsky. Languages & Cultures Research Seminar Series, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].

Novero, C. (2021, June). To look at art with a dog's nose: Learning to distill the materiality of (invisible) ghosts. Invited lecture as part of "Smell it! The fragrance of art" project at Künstlerhaus Bremen, Germany, [Online]. [Public Seminar].

Novero, C. (2021, September). To look at art with a dog's nose or learning to smell in the company of ghosts.... Dunedin School of Art Lunchtime Research Seminar Programme, [Online]. [Research Presentation].

Voci, P. (2021, April). A (quasi) archeology of (post) digital lightness. Presented as part of the Apertures Seminar Series for the Machine Vision in Everyday Life Project, University of Bergen, [Online]. [Research Presentation].

Fortin, M. (2020, June). Solo practice in the rehearsal room. Tahi Mahi Festival. Retrieved from

Hayashishita, J.-R. (2019, August). The wa-sentence and the wa-less-sentence. Workshop presentation at the Future Learning Solutions (FLS) Japanese Language Workshop: Let's talk about the Japanese language itself! Auckland, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].

Hayashishita, J.-R. (2019, August). The wa-sentence and the wa-less-sentence. Workshop presentation at the Future Learning Solutions (FLS) Japanese Language Workshop: Let's talk about the Japanese language itself! Christchurch, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].

Hayashishita, J.-R. (2019, August). The wa-sentence and the wa-less-sentence. Workshop presentation at the Future Learning Solutions (FLS) Japanese Language Workshop: Let's talk about the Japanese language itself! Palmerston North, New Zealand. [Research Presentation].

Novero, C. (2019, February). A cosmopolitics of grievable bodies: Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000). Lecture co-hosted by the Department of Germanic Studies and Department of Moving Image Arts, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. [Research Presentation].

Novero, C. (2019, February). Aging in the age of the Chthulucene: Spoerri's fossils and monsters. Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. [Research Presentation].

Novero, C. (2019, February). Interdisciplinary and public humanities: How to make thinking matter in everyday life [Invited lecture]. Postcolonial Performances and Questions, Department of English and the Graduate Program in American Studies, Rutgers University, Newark, USA. [Invited Presentation].

Novero, C. (2019, February). The radical vulnerability of agency: Grievability in Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000) [Invited lecture]. Co-hosted by the German Department and the Cinema Studies Program, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA. [Research Presentation].

Awarded Doctoral Degree

Voigt Hogg, V. V. G. (2024). On the orientation of the soul toward grace or God: Simone Weil and Robert Bresson (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from

Fargues, N. (2021). J'écris donc je fuis: Petite métaphysique de l'évolution du style littéraire en France, de Stendhal à Emmanuel Carrère (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from

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