Thomas Barraclough |
How far can the Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River) proposal be said to reflect the rights of nature in New Zealand |
Henry Benson-Pope |
Being a Party to the Crimes of an Adversary: R v Gnango in the New Zealand Setting |
Alec Dawson |
How to Defend (and Attack) the Resource Management Act: The Principled Consequences of Reducing Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making |
Alexandra Flaus |
Familial Searches and the New Zealand DNA Profile Databank: The Thin Edge of the Genetic Wedge? |
Emma Gattey |
Do New Zealand Courts Regard Tikanga Māori as a Source of Law Independent of Statutory Incorporation? Or is Anglo-inspired Common Law Still “the sole arbiter” of Justice in New Zealand? |
Lucy Harris |
Do New Zealand Psychiatrists Have a Duty to Protect Potential Victims of their Patients' Violence? |
Phoebe Harrop |
Minority Report or Majority Safety? fMRI, Predicting Dangerousness and a Pre-Crime Future |
Sam Holmes |
Refusals to Deal in Intellectual Property: Navigating the Interface between Competition Law and Intellectual Property |
Melanie Jagusch |
Māori Property and Commercial Rights to Freshwater: The Potential for Recognition and Redress Following Judicial Decisions in 2012-2013 |
Thomas Jemson |
For the Love of Money, Football, and Competition Law: An Analysis of whether UEFA's Financial Fair Play Regulations breach European competition law |
Evan Jones |
Has the Supreme Court Turned and Waved Goodbye to the Essence of the New Zealand Securities Regime? |
Guy Jones |
Legal Personality and the Responsibility of International Organizations |
Rachael Jones |
The Problem of Constitutional Law Reform in New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis |
Stephen Laing |
Two forms of the fiduciary relationship |
Thomas Latimour |
When Should “Yes” Mean “No”? Informed Consent to Sexual Activity, Mistake, and the Role of the Criminal Law |
Dipti Manchanda |
“Teaching Them a Lesson”: the Accountability of Partnership Schools to Students and Parents |
Laura Manson |
Quenching the Thirst: International Investment Law and Freshwater Reform in New Zealand |
Tiho Mijatov |
The Use of Dissents in New Zealand |
Nicole Millar |
Polar Pirates: Friend or Foe? Should the definition of piracy be altered to exclude the activities of Sea Shepherd in the Southern Ocean |
Megan Neill |
Return of the Moa: Is our law ready for extinction that's not forever? |
Stephen Parry |
Howling at the Moon: Does the law provide adequate protection to the public from the dangers posed by dogs not under effective control? |
Wade Pearson |
Clarity in the Court of Appeal: Measuring the readability of judgments |
Jesse Roth |
Regulating Archival Access in New Zealand: An Argument for Greater Transparency and Accountability |
Natasha Smith |
Veils, Frauds, and Fast Cars: Looking Beyond the Fixation on Piercing to the Illusory Protection Provided by Incorporation |
James Tait-Jamieson |
Regulating for Democracy: A Critical Analysis of the New Zealand Law Commission's Proposed News Media Regulator |
Jason Zwi |
Achieving Meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility: Implementing and Justifying Systemic Reform |