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The Faculty of Law reception is open from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

Tel +64 3 479 8857
Fax +64 3 479 8855

2024 contact list for students

First year Co-ordinator
Edward Willis
Second year Co-ordinator
Stephen E Smith
Honours Co-ordinator
Lili Song
Research and writing – LAWS 298, 398, 498
Ben Nevell
LAWS 499 Mooting
Ben Nevell
Faculty Co-ordinator for Competitions
Ben Nevell
LAWS 480 enquiries and approvals
Simon Connell
Law Admissions Co-ordinator
Alex Latu
Faculty Course Advisers
Nicola Wheen
Jeanne Snelling
Simon Connell
Dawn Duncan
Academic Integrity
Shelley Griffiths
Special consideration / Impairments for exams and LAWS 301 and LAWS 302 tests
Stephen Young
Student Representative Co-ordinator
Anna High
Staff Liaison with Te Roopū Whai Pūtake and Māori Centre
Yasmin Olsen
Staff Liaison with PILSA and PI Centre
Alex Latu
Staff Liaison with OALSA
Lili Song
Staff Liaison with PILO
Ben France-Hudson
Anna High
International Students / Exchanges
Nicola Wheen
Jeanne Snelling
Simon Connell
Dawn Duncan
Mooting squad
Lucas Clover-Alcolea
General Pastoral Care
Shelley Griffiths
Anna High
Jeanne Snelling
Postgraduate enquiries
Margaret Briggs
Nicola Wheen
Lucas Clover-Alcolea

If you have any concerns or questions about your studies that are not related specifically to any of the above, please contact either:

Anna High, Convener of Student Experience


Shelley Griffiths, Dean

If you are in doubt about who to speak to, please come to 9th floor reception, Richardson Building.

Postal address

Faculty of Law
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

Courier/street address

Faculty of Law
University of Otago
85 Albany Street
9th Floor, Richardson Building
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand


Locate the Richardson Building on Google Maps

Locate the Richardson Building on the Otago University Campus Map

Legal advice

The Faculty of Law at the University of Otago is a teaching and research facility; it does not give legal advice. If you require legal advice, please contact the Dunedin Community Law Centre.

Dunedin Community Law Centre website

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