The Otago Law Review is a blind-refereed journal, published annually by the Otago Law Review Trust Board.
Making a submission to the Otago Law Review
Articles and other contributions submitted for publication in the Review should be emailed to:
As a rule, articles should not exceed 10,000 words and should be submitted before the end of August each year. For legal style and citation, contributors should follow the New Zealand Law Style Guide. It is the contributor's responsibility to ensure that all references and citations are correct.
View a copy the New Zealand Law Style Guide
The Review will not consider contributions which have been submitted or accepted elsewhere for publication.
Current and back issues
The Otago Law Review is proud to be an open access publication with current and back issues available through the New Zealand Legal Information Institute (NZLii).
Subscription information
You can subscribe to the Review by writing to: The Secretary, Otago Law Review Trust Board, c/- Faculty of Law, University of Otago, P O Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand or by emailing.
North American readers can subscribe directly to:
Gaunt Inc.
Gaunt Building, 3011 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, Florida 34217-2199, USA
Tel +1 941 778 5211
Fax +1 941 778 5252
Otago Law Review Editorial Committee and International Editorial Board
In addition to an Editorial Committee, the Otago Law Review has an International Editorial Board:
- Professor Andrew Ashworth, Vinerian Professor of English Law, All Souls College, University of Oxford
- Professor Dame Hazel Genn, Dean of Laws, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies, University College of London
- Professor Jeremy Waldron, Professor of Law, New York University School of Law