Oliver Allum |
Conflict of Laws and Relationship Property: Allowing a New Zealand Court to Apply Foreign Law in the Absence of a Choice of Law Agreement |
Charlotte Aspin |
There is No Plan B: The Necessity of Public Participation in the Plan Making Process |
Georgia Bellett |
A new approach to Tax Secrecy Does a move toward taxpayer confidentiality pose a threat to the integrity of the tax system? |
Sanne Berkman |
Children in Relationship Property Proceedings: Are they getting a fair share? |
Mark Bracey |
New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme: An In-depth Examination of the Legislative History |
Elliot Brownlee |
A Wolf in Agents' Clothing? In What Circumstances Can An Agent Compete With Its Principal? |
Alex Christie |
Better safe than sorry? The preventive use of Community Treatment Orders under New Zealand's Mental Health Act |
Phoebe Clifford |
My Body & I: A Novel Justification For A No-Fault Compensation Scheme |
William Cosgriff |
Thinking Outside The Box: The Treatment of Sentenced Offenders At-Risk of Self Harm |
Cara Crawford |
New Zealand's Accident Compensation Scheme – Mental Injury Cover At The Margins |
Kalyani Dixit |
Finding The Balance: A Public Interest Test in the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988 |
Mitchell East |
A Free Licence: The Lack of External Checks on Police Undercover Operations in New Zealand |
Megan Exton |
Personhood: A Legal Tool for Furthering Māori Aspirations for Land |
Tasman Forgie |
Salomon's 'Accidental' Beneficiary. Evaluating the Ability of Creditors of Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies to Seek Redress from the Parent Company |
Rosemary Fowler |
Lessons From Cambodia: Towards A Victims-Oriented Approach To Contextual Transitional Justice |
Natalie Fraser-Jones |
Separated at Birth: An Assessment of the Statutory Powers for Removal of Newborn Babies and Infants |
Emily Fry |
Blockchain Innovation and Securities Regulation: An Analysis of Initial Coin Offerings under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 |
Mitchell Heslip |
So Obvious It Goes Without Saying? An Argument for the Singaporean Approach to the Implication of Terms in Fact |
Rachael Hodge |
Access to Justice in New Zealand's Private International Law |
William Hulme-Moir |
Risk And Uncertainty In New Zealand's Fisheries Management: Adaptive Management Under The Fisheries Act 1996 |
Katherine Lee |
An Exercise of Government Power: HNZ and Methamphetamine Testing |
Anne Lim |
Gangs and Guns: Is a Blanket Firearms Ban on Gangs Justified? |
Emily McNaughtan |
Home is where the Half is: Division of the family home under the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 |
Courtney Naughton |
Abort Mission: A Recommendation for Reform of New Zealand's Abortion Law |
Jared Papps |
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But How Do Careless Words Hurt Me? Characterising the Doctrine of Negligent Misstatement in New Zealand Law |
Luke Preston-Marshall |
Liquidation of Trading Trusts: Problems for Creditors (and a lack thereof) |
Oska Rego |
Animal Welfare and the Resource Management Act 1991 Considering animal welfare under the Resource Management Act 1991 would improve the holism of resource management in Aotearoa and address shortcomings of the Animal Welfare Act 1999 |
Victoria Smaill |
How Discretionary are Contractual Discretions? A Critical Analysis of the Judicial Approach to Discretionary Powers in Commercial Contracts |
Ella Smith |
Property Rights, Gametes, and Individual Autonomy How Can It Work for New Zealand? |
Matthew Weaver |
Who Has Time to Read It Anyway? Financial Markets Disclosure, Mum and Dad Investors and the Theory of an Efficient Market |
Owen Wilkinson |
Who cares about carers? The family carers saga and New Zealand's intermediate constitution |
Camille Wrightson |
Judging Juries: Assessing a New Fact-Finder Model for Sexual Violence Trials |