Paul Appleyard |
Missing The Mark? Economic theory and optimal penalties for competition offences under New Zealand's Commerce Act |
Tess Bridgman |
The Relationship between Women's access to Justice and Development: Papua New Guinea: a case study to link theory with reality |
Isabella Clarke |
A Kahui Exception? Examining the right to silence in criminal investigations |
Sophie Cunliffe |
Materiality In Insider Trading: An obstacle to enforcement and compliance. |
Emily Harris |
Improving the International Climate Change Regime's Provision for Developing Country Participation |
Elspeth Knewstubb |
Photography in Public Places and the Privacy of the Individual |
Robyn Maher |
Ship Mortgages in New Zealand: The conflict between the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 and the Ship Registration Act 1992 |
Jessica Mark |
'But It Was My Idea!': A Statutory Compensation Scheme for Employee Inventors? |
Stuart McGilvray |
Making sense of substantive legitimate expectations in New Zealand Administrative Law |
Marcello Rodriguez-Ferrere |
Proportionality as a Distinct Head of Judicial Review in New Zealand |
Katharine Reynolds |
Unzipping Our Genes for Insurers? Regulating the Use of Genetic Information in Insurance |
Jesse Wall |
Prospective Overruling – It's About Time |