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BA LLM(Otago)



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Nicola teaches and convenes Public Law, Environmental Law and International Environmental Law.

Research interests

Nicola's research interests include environmental law, public law, Te Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi, and international environmental law.

She is also a member of the Coastal People: Southern Skies collaboration that connects communities with world-leading, cross-discipline research to rebuild coastal ecosystems.

Coastal People: Southern Skies


Nicola joined the Faculty as a student in 1984.

Photo: IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium, Baltimore 2012, courtesy of the University of Maryland.


Wheen, N. R., & Hayward, J. (2024). Treaty principles clauses: Past, present and future. In M. Stanton Turei, N. R. Wheen & J. Hayward (Eds.), Te Tiriti O Waitangi relationships: People, politics and law. (pp. 42-59). Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams Books. Chapter in Book - Research

Hayward, J., Stanton Turei, M., & Wheen, N. R. (2024). Introduction: Tiriti O Waitangi relationships. In M. Stanton Turei, N. R. Wheen & J. Hayward (Eds.), Te Tiriti O Waitangi relationships: People, politics and law. (pp. 1-10). Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams Books. Chapter in Book - Research

Stanton Turei, M., Wheen, N. R., & Hayward, J. (Eds.). (2024). Te Tiriti O Waitangi relationships: People, politics and law. Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams Books, 255p. Edited Book - Research

Wheen, N., & Geddis, A. (2024). New Zealand plans to put big developments before the environment. That's dangerous. The Guardian, (22 April). Retrieved from Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Castellino, J., & Wheen, N. R. (2023). Waitangi Tribunal / Te Roopu Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi (New Zealand). In L. Stan & N. Nedelsky (Eds.), Encyclopedia of transitional justice (Vol. 3). (2nd ed.) (pp. 636-641). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108678537 Chapter in Book - Research

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