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There are several awards and prizes available to law students and graduates. The following require an application for consideration.

Cleary Memorial Prize

The Cleary Memorial Prize was established in memory of Sir Timothy Cleary, past president of both the Wellington District and New Zealand Law Societies and a Judge of the Court of Appeal until his death in 1962. This award recognises and commemorates the fine example Sir Timothy's life set for young people entering the legal profession.

Applications are open to any barrister and or solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand who has been admitted during the period of 3 years, ending on 31 August of the year of the award.

Value: $5,000 annually

Applications close: 30 September each year

How to apply: The terms of reference and application details are available from the New Zealand Law Foundation's website:

New Zealand Law Foundation

The Loman Friedlander Award

A prize open to any tertiary student of any age, to the person who submits the best paper on any subject falling within the general area of intellectual property law (i.e. patents, trade marks, registered designs, copyright, passing off).

Value: $1,000

Applications close: 30 November each year

How to apply: The terms of reference and application details are available from the New Zealand Institute of Patent Attorneys, Inc website:

New Zealand Institute of Patent Attorneys, Inc

The New Zealand Foundation Ethel Benjamin Prize (for women)

This award honours the country's first woman barrister and solicitor, Ethel Benjamin, admitted in 1897. Since the 1997 centenary of this event, the Law Foundation has awarded this scholarship to outstanding New Zealand women law graduates for postgraduate study. A scholarship may be awarded to any woman scholar who is:

  • A New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • The holder of a New Zealand university law degree (unless there is exceptional circumstances, the award would normally be made to candidates who have gained the qualifying degree within the past 3 years)
  • Accepted into a postgraduate course in law at either a New Zealand or an overseas university acceptable to the selection committee.

Applications are managed by Universities New Zealand.

Value: Up to $50,000 annually

Applications close: 1 March each year

How to apply: The terms of reference and application details are available from the New Zealand Law Foundation's website:

New Zealand Law Foundation

Joshua Williams Memorial Essay Prize

Provided by the Council of the Otago District Law Society from the estate of Sir Joshua Strange Williams, a Judge of the Supreme Court and Resident Judge in Dunedin 1878–1913.

Prize guidelines:

  • The prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Council of the Otago District Law Society for the essay which, in the opinion of the Council (in consultation with such person or persons as it thinks fit), makes the most significant contribution to legal knowledge and meets all requirements of sound legal scholarship.
  • Any student enrolled at the University of Otago for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor or Laws with Honours may submit an essay, but no candidate for the prize shall submit more than one essay in any year and the prize shall not be awarded twice to the same person.
  • Papers which have been prepared as assignments for seminars or other classes may be submitted in either their original or revised form.
  • The length of any essay submitted may not exceed 7,000 words.

Value: $500

Applications close: Friday 13 October 2023, 5pm.

How to apply: Essays must be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty of Law.

Joshua Williams Memorial Essay Prize (PDF)

Professor Richard Sutton Memorial Award

Established in 2011 in memory of Emeritus Professor Richard Sutton, B.A, LLM (Auck) LLM (Harv) with financial support from his family, friends and former students. The award is made annually to a student enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Laws with Honours. Financial need as well as academic merit will be taken into account in granting the Award.

Applications close: 31 March 2023

The Margaret Oakley Prize

This prize was established by the University Council in 2015 by family and friends of the late Margaret Elizabeth Oakley (née Baker) born 1946.  Margaret worked as a home midwife in Norwich before moving to New Zealand with her husband Rod in 1973, and it was here that she developed her enthusiasm for kayaking in the lakes, rivers and the sea.  Margaret was not only interested in paddling for the enjoyment and thrills, but she also put much energy into encouraging youths to take up paddling and also to conserve the pristine lakes and rivers of Otago and Southland.

Nominations for The Margaret Oakley Prize are open to students who are currently studying towards a Bachelor of Laws degree (in second year or above) OR a postgraduate qualification in Law and who demonstrates a passion towards environmental protection.

This prize will be awarded by the University Council on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Law.

Applications close: 30 November

How to apply: Submit a written essay (of no more than 500 words) to the Faculty of Law reception. Applicants are to outline how their research or other commitments contribute positively to environmental protection, with particular focus on water conservation.  Applicants should also address how they intend to use the prize money.

The Margaret Oakley Prize regulations (PDF)

The Patricia and Alexander Smith Prize

This prize was established in 2017 by friends of Patricia and Alexander (Lex) Smith. Patricia and Lex were a couple devoted to helping those in need and combining Lex's hospital engineering skills and Patricia's organisational and child caring skills, spent considerable time in Asia working in hospitals in Hong Kong, China and Thailand and working with young children in the slums in the Philippines.  They were also involved in setting up large food banks.

Nominations for the Patricia and Alexander Smith prize are open to students who are currently studying towards a Bachelor of Laws degree (in second year or above) and who demonstrate a passion towards helping others and a commitment to giving back to their community.

Value: $500

Applications close: 5pm, Friday 13 October 2023

How to apply: Submit your academic record and a written essay (of no more than 500 words) addressing how you contribute positively to the community, outlining any extracurricular or volunteering commitments you have been involved with. Applications can be emailed to or handed in to the Faculty of Law Reception.

The Patricia and Alexander Smith Prize regulations (PDF)

The Neville Marquet Prize in Resource Management and Environmental Law

This prize was established in 2017 by family and friends of Neville Stanley Marquet, a pioneering Resource Management and Environmental lawyer of Dunedin firm, Ross Dowling Marquet Griffin. Mr Marquet practised in almost every division of the Environment Court throughout New Zealand and is known for being a pioneer of planning and resource management in a career spanning more than 50 years. Mr Marquet was President of the Otago District Law Society in 1975, Vice-President of the NZ Law Society from 1976–1979 and he also sat on the NZLS Disciplinary Committee for 13 years (7 as the Chair). Neville Marquet passed away in November 2021 and is remembered as a gentleman lawyer with a love of chocolate and a booming voice.

Nominations for the Neville Marquet Prize in Resource Management and Environmental Law are open to students who are currently studying towards a Bachelor of Laws degree (third year law or above) OR a postgraduate qualification in Law and who wish to pursue a career with a focus on resource management.


Applications close: Friday 13 October 2023

How to apply: Submit a copy of your CV, academic record and a written essay (of no more than 1,000 words) outlining why you wish to pursue a career in the field of resource management. Applications can be emailed to or handed in to the Faculty of Law Reception.

The Neville Marquet Prize in Resource Management and Environmental Law (PDF)

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