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Library Databases - Results

Health Sciences - key resources

InfoDatabase title
Further informationACCESSSS
A service to help provide current best evidence for clinical decisions. It conducts searches simultaneously in several evidence-based information services (online evidence-based texts, evidence-based guidelines and pre-appraised journal publications). ACCESSSS also provides email alerts to newly published evidence in the user’s chosen area(s) of training/interest. First-time users should register for an account and select the appropriate University of Otago campus from the dropdown menu.
Further informationAcland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is only available to Dunedin campus users. 3D rotational gross anatomy videos featuring real cadaver specimens. The specimens have not been embalmed and therefore retain the colour, texture and mobility of the living body.
Further informationAnatomy.TV (Primal Pictures)
Anatomy.TV is only available to Wellington campus users. An online anatomy reference with access to three-dimensional animations that illustrate accurate anatomical function, biomechanics, and movement, as well as treatments and surgical procedures. Note: Library subscription is for 15 simultaneous users, please use the log off button when exiting.
Further informationMobile appBMJ Best Practice
A clinical decision support tool for health professionals that provides access to the latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion in a single source. BMJ Best Practice includes differential diagnosis tables, treatment algorithms, videos of common clinical procedures, integrated evidence from Cochrane Clinical Answers, over 250 medical calculators and more. Create a free user profile for access via the App.
Further informationBMJ Case Reports
A focused, peer-reviewed collection of cases in all disciplines providing healthcare professionals, researchers and others with clinically important information on common and rare conditions. A Fellowship Code is assigned to all institutional subscribers to enable users to submit their medical cases to be published in the journal. This is a unique code allocated to the university. Users need to register a personal profile and use the Fellowship Code to submit their cases. Contact or your Subject Librarian to request the University of Otago Fellowship code.
Further informationCAS SciFinder
First time users must register (see entry below). If you have previously registered using the old version of SciFinder (SciFinder Scholar), this existing login will work for SciFinder. This comprehensive database for chemical reactions, substances, structures and indexed chemistry patents includes journal abstracts, patents and other literature references on all areas of science and its applications. Also containing detailed information on compounds and substances including their properties, reactions and full synthetic methods as well as protein and nucleotide sequences. A sophisticated Retrosynthesis Planner available can also be found in SciFinder.
Further informationCAS SciFinder Discovery Platform
The CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform is designed to support multiple stages and types of scientific research. It combines task-specific information solutions including CAS SciFinder, CAS Formulus®, CAS Analytical Methods™ and other CAS resources. The CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform supports multifaceted scientific research such as retrosynthetic planning, formulation design, testing-related methods research, and biosequence searching. Access the platform using your SciFinder username and password, or first time users must register using the "CAS SciFinder registration" link below.
Further informationCAS SciFinder registration
First time users for SciFinder must register, use this link.
Further informationCAS: Analytical Methods
CAS Analytical MethodsTM is a curated collection of over 500 K step-by-step analytical protocols, extracted from peer reviewed literature and patent sources. Cut down on time searching for analytical methodologies with CAS Analytical MethodsTM, a platform containing collated methodologies highlighting analytes, matrices, reagents, instruments, consummables and validation information, in easy to read and downloadable documents. Access CAS Analytical Methods using your SciFinder username and password, or first time users must register using the "CAS SciFinder registration" link above.
Further informationCAS: Formulus
CAS Formulus® is a curated collection of over five million formulation records from peer reviewed literature, patents and product inserts from the US FDA. Access a world leading collection of formulations to evaluate ingredients, manufacturing processes and regulatory information in a user friendly interface. Access CAS Formulus using your SciFinder username and password, or first time users must register using the "CAS SciFinder registration" link above.
Further informationMobile appCINAHL Complete (EBSCOhost)
CINAHL Complete is a comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing & allied health literature.
Further informationCINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
CINAHL Plus with Full Text covers a range of subjects including nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Includes full-text journals, health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisuals, book chapters and more.
Further informationClinicalKey (Elsevier)
Full-text access to a large collection of medical and surgical journals, reference works, books, handouts, and medical and procedural videos and images. To access eBook PDFs you will need to register (create a User profile/Personal Account) and log in using those credentials.
Further informationCochrane Library (Wiley)
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
Further informationCurrent Protocols (Wiley)
Current Protocols is a source of laboratory protocols and comprises more than 20,000 step-by-step procedures and techniques spanning the major disciplines in the life sciences.
Further informationMobile appDynaMed
A clinical reference tool that represents the best available evidence drawn from medical journals and systematic evidence review databases. The content is written by a world-class team of physicians who synthesize the evidence and provide objective analysis. New information is integrated into existing content daily. Create a personal account to authenticate via the App.
Further informationMobile appe-Anatomy: The Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy
Atlas of human anatomy: cross-sectional anatomy, gross anatomy, radiological anatomy. Provides medical imaging and pictures of head and neck, thorax abdomen and pelvis, limbs, and spine.
Further informationEBM Reviews (Evidence Based Medicine Reviews) (Ovid)
A database of key evidence-based medicine sources: ACP Journal Club, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Health Technology Assessment, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, National Health Service Economic Evaluation, and Cochrane Methodology Register. EBMR links to Medline citations and abstracts.
Further informationEMBASE (Ovid)
A biomedical and pharmacological database containing bibliographic records with citations, abstracts and indexing derived from biomedical articles in peer reviewed journals. EMBASE is especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research.
Further informationEmcare (Ovid)
The Emcare database covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions. It includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine.
Further informationGlobal Health (Ovid)
Global Health brings together two databases: the Public Health and Tropical Medicine (PHTM) database, previously produced by the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases (BHTD), and the human health and diseases information extracted from CAB ABSTRACTS. Dating back to 1973, together they provide a unique resource which offers deep subject coverage of information related to human health and communicable diseases. Global Health provides an alternative, complementary point of reference with a broad analysis of foreign language journals, books, research reports, patents and standards, dissertations, conference proceedings, annual reports, public health, developing country information, and other difficult to obtain material. The Global Health database covers the following aspects of human health and disease: communicable diseases, tropical diseases, parasitic diseases and parasitology - medical entomology, human nutrition, community and public health, and, medicinal and poisonous plants. Access also provided to the Global Health Archive from 1910.
Public accessGoogle Scholar
Provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Article link provides access to library databases and full-text of many articles.
Further informationHarrison's Online
Online version of the key textbook Harrison's principles of internal medicine via AccessPharmacy.
Further informationJBI EBP Complete Collection (Ovid)
The evidence-based practice (EBP) database from the Joanna Briggs Institute is an online resource for healthcare professionals to access up to date high-quality, reliable evidence on a wide range of clinical and policy topics at the point of care, including over 4,500 JBI evidence summaries, recommended practices and best practice information sheets. Access via the Ovid platform also includes EBP tools JBI SUMARI, JBI PACES and the JBI Evidence Synthesis journal.
Further informationJBI EBP Database (Ovid)
JBI EBP Database allows you to search simultaneously, a wide range of summarized and appraised evidence, to inform your practice. This comprehensive range of resources includes over 3,000 records across five publication types: Evidence Based Recommended Practices, Evidence Summaries, Best Practice Information Sheets, Systematic Reviews, and Systematic Review Protocols.
Further informationLWW Health Library
The LWW Health Library platform provides authoritative texts, multimedia resources, and teaching & learning tools for medical education and the health professions. Users have access to texts, cases, self-assessment tools, procedure videos and audio files covering specialist subject collections: ACSM Certification Suite, Advanced Practice Nursing, Anesthesiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Exercise Science, Neurology, Oncology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Osteopathy, Pathology, Physical Therapy, Premium Basic Sciences, Premium Pharmacy, Psychiatry, and Surgery.
Further informationMedline (Ovid)
An indexing database that covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care.
Public accessNCBI Bookshelf
NCBI Bookshelf is a freely available collection of electronic books, reports, databases, and other scholarly literature in biology, medicine, healthcare and the life sciences.
Further informationOvid
A collection of databases covering medicine, pharmacy, psychology, education, philosophy, food science and technology. Access includes: Books@Ovid, Your Journals@Ovid, PsycARTICLES Full-Text, AMED, EBM Reviews, EMBASE, ERIC, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Medline, Philosopher's Index, PsycBOOKS, PsycCRITIQUES, PsycEXTRA, and PsycINFO.
Further informationMobile appPsychiatryOnline Premium
Features DSM-5 and a collection of psychiatric references including books, journals, and self-assessment tools from American Psychiatric Publishing.
Further informationPsycINFO (Ovid)
An electronic bibliographic database providing abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature for behavioral sciences and mental health. The database includes material in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
Further informationPubChem
PubChem is a freely accessible online database for chemical information, providing comprehensive information on various chemical entities. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers.
Public accessPubMed
PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally. The PubMed database contains more than 30 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full-text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central.
Further informationReviews in Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine (Wiley)
This updating encyclopedia covers both the molecular and cellular basis of life and medicine. Each subject is presented on a ‘first-principles’ basis, including mathematical treatment as appropriate, tables of key data and detailed figures.
Further informationMobile appScienceDirect (Elsevier)
Access full-text, peer reviewed journals, books, and reference works. Covers a broad range of subjects in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, and, Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Further informationMobile appScopus (Elsevier)
A multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and the arts and humanities. The database includes more than 5,000 international publishers including Elsevier (ScienceDirect), Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, and Sage.
Further informationMobile appSpringerLink
Full-text, peer reviewed journals, books, and reference works. Subjects include: architecture, design, behavioral science, biomedical and life sciences, business, economics, chemistry, materials science, computer science, earth and environmental science, humanities, social sciences, law, mathematics, statistics, medicine, physics, and, professional and applied computing.
Further informationTOXINZ
A poisons information database containing recommendations on the management of poisoning from chemical products, pharmaceuticals, plants and hazardous creatures. This resource is continually reviewed and rapidly expanding to accommodate more information.
Further informationWeb of Science All Databases
Search across all subscribed Web of Science databases: Web of Science Core Collection; Current Contents Connect; KCI-Korean Journal Database; MEDLINE; SciELO Citation Index; and, Zoological Record.
Further informationWeb of Science Core Collection
Provides access to the world's leading citation databases: Science Citation Index Expanded; Social Sciences Citation Index; Arts & Humanities Citation Index; Emerging Sources Citation Index; Current Chemical Reactions; Index Chemicus; Book Citation Index; and, Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers the highest impact journals, including Open Access journals and conference proceedings.


Health Sciences - additional resources

InfoDatabase title
Further informationMobile appAcademic Video Online (AVON): Premium (Alexander Street)
A multidisciplinary video collection delivering thousands of video titles spanning anthropology, history, business, counselling, dance, ethnic studies, gay and lesbian studies, film, opera, religion, theatre, and more. AVON includes documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, and raw footage. Users will find award-winning films, as well as the most frequently used films for classroom instruction, plus newly released films and previously unavailable archival material. Content is available from over 500 producers.
Further informationMobile appAccessPharmacy (McGraw-Hill)
An online curricular resource designed for pharmacy education. This database offers access to: Textbooks; Quick Reference; Multimedia library; Drug therapy cases; Self-assessment; Topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice; Integrated drug database.
Further informationACP (American College of Physicians) Journal Club (Ovid)
Consists of two journals, ACP Journal Club, a publication of the American College of Physicians, and Evidence-Based Medicine, a joint publication of the American College of Physicians and the British Medical Journal Group.
Public accessAfrican Index Medicus (AIM)
An international index to African health literature and information sources. Administered by the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA) with technical support from the World Health Organization.
Further informationAMA Manual of Style
Online edition of the American Medical Association Manual of Style - a guide for authors and editors in medical and scientific publishing.
Public accessAPA Topic Guides (American Psychological Association)
Topic Guides are brief handouts designed to demonstrate how PsycINFO can be used to search for resources in a variety of topic areas. They contain three sample search scenarios, and a list of selected Index Terms.
Further informationAPS Digital Library (American Physiological Society)
The APS Journals Digital Library provides full-text access to journals in many disciplines within physiology.
Further informationCancerLit
See: National Cancer Institute : Cancer Literature in PubMed
Further informationCAS SciFinder registration
First time users for SciFinder must register, use this link.
Further informationMobile appCurrent Contents Connect (Web of Science)
A multidisciplinary, current awareness database that provides access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information, and abstracts from the most recently published issues of leading scholarly journals, as well as from relevant, evaluated websites.
Public accessDietary Supplement Label Database (DSDL)
Contains the full label contents from a sample of dietary supplement products marketed in the U.S. A joint project of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) and National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Further informationEncyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLS)
The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLS) is a regularly updating reference work containing over 6,300 specially commissioned, peer-reviewed and citable articles written by leaders in the field. It offers comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the life sciences for students, lecturers and researchers alike.
Public accessGlobal Index Medicus (GIM)
The Global Index Medicus (GIM) provides worldwide access to biomedical and public health literature produced by and within low-middle income countries. The main objective is to increase the visibility and usability of this important set of resources. The material is collated and aggregated by WHO Regional Office Libraries on a central search platform allowing retrieval of bibliographical and full text information.
Further informationHealth & Medical Collection (ProQuest)
Combines the clinical research titles available in ProQuest Medical Library with hundreds of additional consumer and health administration titles. The journals cover all major clinical and healthcare disciplines, including medical sciences, immunology, pharmacy and pharmacology, nursing, physical fitness and hygiene, surgery, and others.
Further informationHealth & Medicine (ProQuest)
A central access point for searching across the ProQuest health and medicine databases. The collections include health care and biomedical journals as well as evidence-based content, multimedia and dissertations.
Further informationHealth and Medicine (Gale OneFile)
This database integrates articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, magazines, newsletters and select consumer health information sources with full-text reference works and health-related multimedia.
Further informationMobile appHealth Sciences (Alexander Street)
A collection of videos from practitioners, teachers, and researchers in a wide array of medical fields - including dentistry, nursing, rehabilitation therapy, sports medicine and exercise science, and veterinary science.
Further informationMobile appIEEE Xplore Digital Library
This digital library is a resource for discovery and access to scientific and technical content published by IEEE and its publishing partners. Browse this resource to access IEEE's journals and magazines, standards, and conference proceedings.
Public accessIndex Medicus for South-East Asia Region (IMSEAR)
An indexing database of articles published in selected journals within the WHO South-East Asia Region. It is a collaborative effort of participating libraries in Health Literature, Library and Information Services (HELLIS) network in the region.
Public accessIndex Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR)
An online index of medical and health journals published in twenty countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Public accessIndex New Zealand (INNZ)
A searchable database that contains abstracts and descriptions of articles from New Zealand periodicals and newspapers. The periodicals range from academic research journals to magazines.
Further informationInformit Health Collection
Content includes full-text research articles, reports and case studies in the fields of therapeutic, diagnostic and preventative health. Specialist and current topics of interest include ageing and age care, child health and breastfeeding, indigenous health issues, mental health and rehabilitation.
Further informationMobile appJoVE Collection
The Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is an online journal publishing visualized (video-based) biological research studies. The Library's subscription includes the following video collections: Biology, Neuroscience, Immunology & Infection, Medicine, and Behavior. Users need to create an account using their or email.
Further informationNursing & Allied Health Database (ProQuest)
Provides users with healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and more.
Further informationNursing and Allied Health (Gale OneFile)
A full-text journal collection covering all aspects of the Nursing profession - from direct patient care to health care administration.
Further informationOECD Health Statistics
Offers a comprehensive source of comparable statistics on health and health care systems in OECD economies.
Further informationPublic Health Database (ProQuest)
This database allows you to search the core literature in the field of public health. It includes full-text for journals articles, magazines, news, reports and dissertations.
Further informationReference Module in Biomedical Sciences (Elsevier)
Combines related content from Elsevier reference works into a single source of information that is continuously updated.
Further informationMobile appRehabilitation Therapy in Video (Alexander Street)
A video resource for the study of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech-language pathology. It includes footage of top clinicians and academics explaining the underlying anatomical and neurological issues in specific patient populations, while demonstrating effective techniques and methods for their treatment.
Public accessSciELO Citation Index (Web of Science)
An abstracting/indexing database with links to open access full-text for journals from Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean and South Africa.
Further informationScience (Gale OneFile)
Access information on the latest developments across a range of scientific disciplines.
Further informationMobile appScience Online
Access all content from print Science (from AAAS), plus additional enhanced material only available online. Includes ScienceXpress (electronic publication of selected Science papers in advance of print), Science News (daily news service) and Science Classic (digital archive, 1880-1996).
Further informationScience, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925 (NCCO)
This archive of journals, books, reports, and personal documents covers scientific research and discovery during the nineteenth century.
Public accessScitable (Nature Education)
A free science library and personal learning tool from Nature Publishing Group. Access evidence-based articles, connect with a global community of faculty, researchers, and students, and, contribute to the Scitable community by uploading material.
Further informationMobile appSPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCOhost)
An important source of literature for sports and sports medicine journals, providing full-text content from many well-known and respected sources.
Further informationMobile appSports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video (Alexander Street)
A video collection in the areas of fitness and health assessment, disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, medical fitness, sport science, work-site wellness, exercise adherence, and more.
Further informationToxline (ProQuest)
This database, produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, provides bibliographic citations and abstracts from the core journal literature in all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants and mutagens and teratogens.
Public accessTRIP database
A clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. First-time users are required to register for access.
Public accessWestern Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM)
An online index of medical and health journals published in Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region.
Further informationWiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science
An updating reference work covering the main areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skills used by those involved in all aspects of the forensic process. Key topics include: Behavioural sciences; Biological sciences; Criminalistics; Digital evidence, Multimedia and engineering; DNA analysis of biological fluids; Fire and explosives; Investigation and law enforcement; Law; Medicine; Statistics and the evaluation of evidence; Toxicology and drug analysis; and, Trace.
Public accessWorld Health Organization Publications
Provides access to book and journal publications from the World Health Organisation.