Cabinet 4: Sports
Clive Gordon, Use Your Whip. [Sydney?: s.n., 195-?]. Pulp Literature Special Collections PR9610.G67 U83
There are no imprint details at all on this stapled, rather fragile, ‘Sports Shorts’ publication of Use Your Whip. And yet behind the name ‘Clive Gordon’ is Gordon Clive Bleeck (1907-1971), a devoted father, a Masonic Lodge member, and railway worker, who, in his spare time, wrote in almost all genres of pulps: westerns, romance, science fiction, sports. Indeed, in one year, in 1955, Bleeck wrote a novel every two weeks – some 600,000 words. There was a comic artist called Dick Sealey. Perhaps it was he that did the cover of this ‘Epic of the Turf’.