Cabinet 15: Horror
Caroline Farr, Villa of Shadows. 1st ed. Sydney: Horwitz, 1966. Pulp Literature Special Collections PR9611.F374 V54 leads their horror selection with this definition of this genre: ‘One of the jargon words for ‘horror’ in the pulp field was ‘mystery’ – not the nice, neat mysteries you might get in an English cosy, but the sprawling, disgusting terrors that crawl through your nightmares.’ Horwitz relied on writers such as Richard Wilkes Hunter, Lee Pattinson, and Carl Ruhen to produce their own ‘shudder’ reads.
All these men wrote under the pseudonym of Caroline Farr, author of Villa of Shadows and Web of Horror. Calvert Publishers relied on Gene Janes to provide horror copy for them. His Come and Go Mad, the ‘inside story’ on witchcraft, is on display. One blogger said of the title and cover: ‘Insanity was never so fun.’
Caroline Farr, Villa of Shadows. 1st ed. Sydney: Horwitz, 1966. Pulp Literature Special Collections PR9611.F374 V54
Caroline Farr, Web of Horror. 1st ed. London ; Sydney: Horwitz, 1966. Pulp Literature Special Collections PR9611.F374 W42
Gene Janes, Come and Go Mad. Sydney: Calvert, [196-?]. Pulp Literature Special Collections PR9610.J33 C63