History of New Zealand and Its Inhabitants

History of New Zealand and Its Inhabitants

Dom Felice Vaggioli's two volume Storia della Nuova Zelanda details Maori life and customs, natural history, and an account of life in New Zealand in the 1880s. The Italian edition of volume I (published in 1891) and volume II (1896) is a rare book, and was virtually unknown as a historical source. When John Crockett discovered that this work had never been translated into English, he resolved to do it himself. It took two and half years, including visits to Padua, and more Vaggioli discoveries. Crockett extolled the enthusiastic commitment of the Press to the publication and remarked on the meticulous editing by the editor, Wendy Harrex.

Dom Felice Vaggioli, History of New Zealand and Its Inhabitants (2000).


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