Barbed Wire & Mirrors Barbed Wire & Mirrors, 1990 Double Launch for the Press

Barbed Wire & Mirrors

In his term as editor, Bill Sewell was keen to utilize computer-based technologies. He used Macintosh word processors and LaserWriter printers to produce in-house camera-ready copy for publication. The first edition of Lawrence Jones's Barbed Wire & Mirrors (top) was produced this way. Three years later, a more appealing second edition was printed by the University Printery, and distributed by McIndoe. Technologies continued to improve. In 1989, an answer-phone was requested, which to the delight of all, was approved.

Lawrence Jones, Barbed Wire & Mirrors: Essays on New Zealand Prose (1987); ____, Barbed Wire & Mirrors: Essays on New Zealand Prose (1990); 'Double Launch for the Press’, Newsletter University of Otago (June 1987).


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