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In celebration of ngā tāngata, ngā waiata, ngā kōrero, ngā reo Māori, we were thrilled to host a 'slice' of doctoral candidate Louise Kewene-Doig's multimedia exhibition He Kohinga Pao at both the Central and Hocken libraries for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2018:

He Kohinga Pao exhibit at ReserveHe Kohinga Pao exhibit at Central Library He Kohinga Pao exhibit at Hocken

We were also privileged to host another series of amazing Postgraduate Māori Research Talks:

PG Talks 2018

And we ran Te Rēhi Mīharo: the Amazing Race: Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori edition where teams raced around campus completing reo Māori-themed challenges. Ka nui te mihi to all racers!

Amazing Race 1Amazing Race 2Amazing Race 2
Amazing Race 4Amazing Race 5Amazing Race 6
Amazing Race 7Amazing Race 8Amazing Race 9

Invitation to the Amazing Race

Kia kaha te Reo Māori 2018

Amazing Race winners' koha

Amazing Race winners' koha


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