24. (Mirabilia Romae vel potius) Historia et descriptio urbis Romae.
Add: Pseudo-Aegidius Romanus: Oratio de S. Veronica. Indulgentiae ecclesiarum principalium urbis Romae
Rome: Eucharius Silber, 12 September 1499
Paper. [60] leaves : ill. ; 160 x 95 mm (octavo). Roman type. F.1b: In isto opusculo dicit quomodo Romulus [et] Remus nati sunt [et] educati. Et postea Romulus factus est primus Romanorii rex [et] conditor Romane vrbis. Woodcuts for the seven churchs, and a frontispiece showing Rhea Silvia, the she-wolf, and the City of Rome. One sheet in manuscript (D5). DU copy incomplete, wanting three leaves D4 and D5, and H4 (colophon).
Grubby white paper over paper wrappers. Unknown dealer's catalogue entry pasted in front endpaper.
Eucharius Silber (fl. 1480-1510) was a German who established an early press in Rome where he became a leading printer. He published many original works, some in Italian, and issued a fine Roman Missal in 1488. The business was continued from 1510 to 1527 by Marcellus Silber.
1. Esmond de Beer 2. Otago University Library
Hain 11201*; Schudt 15; ISTC im00603400
Front endpapers, woodcut of Romulus and Remus, SPQR double-page spread.