30. Plinius Secundus, Gaius Caecilius (Pliny, the Younger)
Rome: Eucharius Silber, [between 19 March and 3 April] 1490
Paper. [150] leaves ; 210 x 140 mm (quarto). Roman type. F.1b: Vasino Gamberiae Innocentii Pont. Max. ministro a cubiculo Pomponius Laetus... F.2a: C.Caecili Plini Secundi Epist. Lib Primus... F.148b Colophon: Impressum Romae per Eucharium Silber alias Franck natione Alemanu. Anno domini. M.cccc.lxxxx. post diem. xiiii. Calendarum Aprilis.' Guide letters and capital spaces; decoration wanting. Extensively annotated.
Green morocco with gilt lozenge in middle of both covers. Green striped endpapers. Gilt tooling around the edge of covers. One portion of front cover damaged. Spine title reads: C.Plini/ II/ Epistoi Bound with: Sextus Aurelius Victor, De viris illustribus. Rome: Stephan Plannck, 1492. DeBeer Ib/1492/P (see no.4).
Eucharius Silber, fl. 1480-1510, a German who established an early press in Rome where he became a leading printer. He published many fine works, some in Italian, and issued a fine Roman Missal in 1488. His printing business was continued from 1510 to 1527 by Marcellus Silber.
1. Willi Fels, 1946 2. Otago University Library
HC 13114*; BMC IV 111; Goff P809; Kaplan 392; ISTC ip00809000
First page of text proper (Lib. Primus), colophon.