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MCom PhD(Otago)

J_Kirkwood_imageSenior Lecturer
Room: Commerce 715
Tel: +64 3 470 3536
Fax: +64 3 479 8173

Jo teaches in the area of entrepreneurship, particularly around sustainable entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. In her early career, Jo worked as a Policy Advisor at the Ministry of Commerce, Wellington where she was involved in a large project as auction manager for the world's first internet auction of radio spectrum. Her PhD focused on a gender comparison of motivations for becoming an entrepreneur. Jo is currently working on a study of how Tall Poppy Syndrome affects New Zealand Business owners. Her other current research areas involve ecopreneurs, social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship education.

Read Jo's article: What's challenging New Zealand Business owners? (PDF, 1.04MB)

Teaching responsibilities

Jo's teaching responsibilities include:

Research interests

Jo's research interests are:

  • Mumpreneurs
  • Ecopreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Tall Poppy Syndrome and its effects on business owners

Read some of Jo's research:

Read a news item about Jo's current research on Tall Poppy Syndrome and its effects on entrepreneurs, in the ODT. Read the associated report (PDF, 228KB).

Current supervisions

Jo is an experienced supervisor, having supervised over 75 student projects in the past three years. In 2014 Jo was awarded one of the Top 12 Supervisors by the Otago University Students Association.

Jo is not currently taking on any new postgraduate students.

Jo is currently supervising the following students:


Jerry Ebeigbe - Entrepreneurial Orientation for SMEs Outward Expansion: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. (Supervisors: Elizabeth Rose, Jodyanne Kirkwood)

Karishma Nagre - Improving the Opportunities for Open Innovation in New Zealand's High Tech Firms: Open Innovation in New Zealand's High Tech Firms. (Supervisors: Elizabeth Rose, Jodyanne Kirkwood)

Emmanel Osigwe - Developing A Social Enterprise Collaborative Model To Accelerate Socio-Economic Inclusion: A Model For International Social Enterprises. (Supervisors: Jodyanne Kirkwood, Elizabeth Rose, Annie Zhang)


Cle-Anne Gabriel (2015). Renewable energy start-up businesses: Typology and critical success factors in transitioning countries. (Supervisors: Beth Rose, Jodyanne Kirkwood, Sara Walton)

Naoto Nadayama (2017). International Entrepreneurship in MNEs: Multiple Case Studies in the Dairy Industry. (Supervisors: Elizabeth Rose, Jodyanne Kirkwood)

Babak Zahraie (2017). Green Entrepreneurs: Change Agents towards Sustainability. (Supervisors: André Everett, Sara Walton, Jodyanne Kirkwood)


Mahfuzur Rahman - A Study on the Influence of Microfinance impacting the Growth of Small Medium Enterprises (SME's) in New Zealand. (Supervisors: Jodyanne Kirkwood, Cle-Anne Gabriel)


Gray, B., Kirkwood, J., Monahan, E., & Etemaddar, M. (2019). Internal factors influencing effective opportunity identification in a Tongan social enterprise. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 31(4), 323-347. doi: 10.1080/08276331.2018.1459015 Journal - Research Article

Gray, B., Kirkwood, J., Etemaddar, M., & Monahan, E. (2018). Sustainable business models for community-based enterprises in Samoa and Tonga. Small Enterprise Research, 25(2), 99-113. doi: 10.1080/13215906.2018.1479293 Journal - Research Article

Kirkwood, J., Dwyer, K., & Walton, S. (2017). An ecopreneur’s growing resilience after a series of earthquakes. Journal of Enterprising Communities, 11(1), 129-148. doi: 10.1108/JEC-12-2014-0028 Journal - Research Article

Kirkwood, J., Baucus, M., & Dwyer, K. (2016). Ethics in entrepreneurship education: The case of a student start-up entrepreneur. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 13, 91-116. Journal - Research Article

Gabriel, C.-A., Kirkwood, J., Walton, S., & Rose, E. L. (2016). How do developing country constraints affect renewable energy entrepreneurs? Energy for Sustainable Development, 35, 52-66. doi: 10.1016/j.esd.2016.09.006 Journal - Research Article

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