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Emilie O'Shea image 2019
Emilie O'Shea

Master of Sustainable Business (MSusBus)

Exploring the landscapes of New Zealand's South Island made Emilie O'Shea realise that Otago's Master of Sustainable Business offered the perfect next step in her studies.

“I have always had a love of the outdoors and the environment, so the opportunity to study sustainability in a relevant context that could be applied to the corporate world really appealed to me. And throughout the duration of the course, my passion for the subject definitely grew.”

The University of Otago's global reputation also played a key role in her decision.

“I was aware that it is a world-renowned university, and as I want to use my degrees overseas at some point, I knew this would be beneficial.”

A great social life was a highlight for Emilie, but she also enjoyed the work-hard, play-hard culture of the University.

“I enjoyed meeting a lot of like-minded people and I have gained a lot of life-long friends from my time at Otago.”

“There were endless extra-curricular activities that you could become involved in. I also liked the fact that you got out what you put in. If you were willing, you could develop great relationships with your lecturers, and the resources were in place if you wanted help to excel.”

In the end, studying at the University of Otago exceeded all of Emilie's expectations.

“Although it was a lot more challenging than I initially expected, I enjoyed the journey it provided and I came out with more than I anticipated.”

Since graduating, Emilie has been working at a boutique market research consulting company. She believes her postgraduate studies have prepared her well for her future career.

“Having a master's definitely differentiates you from the crowd, especially in an emerging field such as sustainability. My qualification has provided me with relevant experience that my employer really values. Additionally, being able to show that you are willing to stick at something as demanding as writing a thesis implies you are motivated and able to overcome challenges.”

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