Room: OBS 615
Developing A Social Enterprise Collaborative Model To Accelerate Socio-Economic Inclusion: A Model For International Social Enterprises.
Research outline
Emmanuel's research focus, advancing social impact effects on communities, is borne out of his desire to contribute to the development of communities through innovative entrepreneurial activities. His research is positioned in innovatively restructuring the third sector to advance social inclusion.
At its completion, the research intends to develop a model that will champion the course for increased social inclusion and social impact through innovative entrepreneurship across communities.
Emmanuel's supervisors are:
Emmanuel graduated top of his MBA class at Binary University of Management and Entrepreneurship, Malaysia. Emmanuel is ISP (Oil and Gas) certified. Emmanuel is passionate about social developments in his country, Nigeria. He has focused his PhD research on social impact advancement with view to contribute to the development of communities in rural Nigeria. He holds a bachelor's degree in Physics from Delta State University, Nigeria. In addition, he is a member of Nigeria Institute of Management (Chartered). Emmanuel's love for education has seen him taught subjects from pure sciences to management in Nigeria and Malaysia where he has received academic awards. He also loves sports, music, and adventures