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Master of Sustainable Business

Toma Noguchi image
Toma Noguchi

Bachelor of Commerce (Management, Tourism), Master of Sustainable BusinessPortfolio Analyst, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)

Growing up in Nelson, I spent a lot of time outdoors and developed a real appreciation for the ocean, rivers, bush and wildlife. I was drawn to MSusBus as it merges my passions for sustainability and business. With the challenge of climate change ahead, real impact must come from the world of business and the MSusBus fits into this context very well.

The range of papers offered throughout the course gave me a broader perspective of sustainability and the context in which frameworks and strategies can be applied. For my final project, I worked closely with a local Dunedin tour company, measuring their carbon footprint and developing emission reduction strategies to help them play their part towards a low-emissions future. The applied aspect of this project helped me stand out during the job application process – it showed I had real-world experience working with a business to integrate sustainable practices.

“I was drawn to MSusBus as it merges my passions for sustainability and business. With the challenge of climate change ahead, real impact must come from the world of business and the MSusBus fits into this context very well.”

The research and analytical skills developed through my studies are invaluable in my current role, which heavily involves project/programme data analytics to inform business investment decisions and strategy. I work with the largest energy users in New Zealand, co-investing in energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects, particularly the $70 million Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) fund, which looks at decarbonising process heat in large industrial businesses. I also measure and report EECA's carbon footprint to attain Toitu CarbonZero certification. I was able to take over this annual process because of my experience in this area through my MSusBus project.

I was drawn to Otago for its student culture and historic central campus alongside the wide range of world-class degrees on offer. It was the best place to experience both the academic and social aspects of student life. I also was awarded the Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship to study at Otago, which was an opportunity I could not miss.

Otago offers so many opportunities to further your career, so take advantage of them. Remember, balance is everything; Otago is also the best place to make lifelong friendships, so take time to have some fun, play sport, get amongst the student clubs and societies, and enjoy yourself! Also, don't forget to bring a warm set of clothes.

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